my countdown to twssg has started since the 10th of august and i'm sure i'm not the only one. i've even changed my signature banner at to this ~
10 Sept, Special program consisting of making, interview of actors etc. :: 11 to 13 Sept, 1 episode everyday, episodes 1 to 3 ::19 Sept, every Wednesday and Thursday @ 9:55pm, 2 episodes every week
hee, actually it's some kind of a promo too ^^. btw, the siggy that i'm using is from the blog of nagajun. i just resized and put her name to properly credit her. thanks nagajun! ^^
at soompi, i think i'm the only one so far and noknok of [thailand] who are using twssg siggy. anyway, i just came from and one of my favorite graphic artists, baesmile, made these wallpapers and siggies.