after reading 27 pages with 20 posts per page of comments about korean actors body, i came to a conclusion that most didn't know yong joon at all. well, as you know soompi is dominated by young members like 15-25 (my guess). so i decided to make my first post in that forum (i would have posted 2 weeks ago in "3 hunks in a wedding" forum but decided not to waste my time) just to straighten some crooked info.
anyway, before i share with you my post in that thread, these are the photos that the threadmaster posted at the 1st page of the said thread together with that of kwon sang woo, bi, lee wan, won bin, yoon kye sang, eric, kim dong wan, taebin, daniel henney, lee jung jae and other more.

so here's my post at soompi's "six pack of korea" thread at 8:52pm
these korean men have great bods ^^
btw most of might not know it, but byj, ksw and bi used to be trained (hee, and look at their 6-pack...well defined) by Mr. Jongpil Lim or known as JP by his close acquantances. until byj hired jp to be his own personal trainer when he did his photobook "The Image Vol 1".
this is JP...

the photos of byj at the 1st page was from his photobook. he really had a tedious and very strict diet that JP asked him to do to have such body as stated in JP 100 Days with BYJ book.
the reason why byj's body at the first page look so well defined bec he had to used what most bodybuilders in a contest had to do which is ~ no water for the whole day for the muscles to contract and be well defined for the purpose of pictorial for his photobook. that photos were actually taken in 2004. yah, it looks scary but that is bec of the method used to have it looked like that. if you dont believe kindly check body of builders in competition.
in 2005 after finishing byj's photobook, he went on another diet to lessen the muscles but maintained his figure.
photo of byj in the 1st quarter of 2005 for coca cola's ionade drink. all natural

2nd half of the year in 2005. taken from his movie Aprl Snow

currently he is again putting up 5-7 kg from his present weight to fit for the role of Damdeok for his upcoming drama "Great King Four Gods Story". the long hair is also part of his role.
i hope i was able to give you guys a good explanation why so he has to have such body at the photos posted in the 1st page.
end of my post ^^
honestly i was having second thought whether to post or not but the former won, so i posted. my intention is really just to "educate" them a little about yong joon. i've enough of their negative comments in "3 hunks..." thread. so to give them just tidbits of info i did that post above.
i know bashing will not stop from there, but i believe somehow a few percentage will stop talking about how scary he looks with a buff bod and how he looks like mj (michael jackson) with long hair (that is why i've to include the long hair in my post).
well, up to this time, which is 1:22am only 2 posts were posted and it didn't contain any bad words for yong joon. likewise, i believe that many have already read my post bec the thread has been in page 1 for a good 4 hrs already. ^^
i tell you guys, soompi is everyday challenge for me and frances. but we love it there. we love spreading yong joon to those who do not know much about this rare person. ~^_^~
Dear liezle,
Hats off to you and Frances! After reading your post, I can feel the frustration and the struggle you have to deal with constantly with the cruel outside world. (I wish I can help but I am terribly bad at this 'internet' business.) It's because of hard effort from sisters like you, Frances, bb, mishio (and many whom I don't know); that people like me can enjoy knowing more about BYJ in our own perfect, kind BYJ world.
Being totally into BYJ and ignorant of other Korean stars, I am surprised to know there are people out there who waste their minds and time to criticize other stars maliciously. I am so happy that BYJ and his family are such good role model. Even though the world may not be perfect, doesn't mean that we cannot act as perfect ladies (just as BYJ being a perfect gentleman)!
Your quote is perfect. Yongjoon has gone through such vigorous and painful training and diet so that he can present us with a perfect body. This is his gift to his family to appreciate for the last 10 years of support. How much it hurts to hear other people belittling his hard effort and criticize the stunning result!
Well liezle, I hope you feel better after posting your clarification in soompi. Please know that we really appreciate your work. Thanks for making us aware of this. Hope you can get some peaceful sleep tonight and have Yongjoon in your dream!
hello jaime! wow that was quite a long comment from you. you really ought to have your own blog ^^
you know what i really admire yong joon family. we don't act on impulse especially when we hear or read bad thing about our man. instead we keep quiet, gather facts then post in a very nice way things that we would like to clarify.
we are not the kind of fans that would readily and easily get irked by what negative stuff that see.
there are really many bad fans especially when you go to forums such as soompi. but you know what? the more they put yong joon down, the more they say bad things about him, the more they bash him, the more we praise him and put him on page 1 of soompi. and i bet most of them visit and read byj thread *^_^*
antis may say anything about him, we don't care bec the mere fact that they put effort in composing hate stuff about him means that they are aware of our man. i sometimes think that maybe, these people are insecure bec their idols do not get the kind or attention yong joon gets from media.
one more thing before i end this ^^ frances and i both agreed that whenever there are antis who will contest of claim that infos we have are not true, we will present them with facts and figures. ha! baesisters are ready with these. in fact byj fan websites is some sort of a "library" that consists of facts and figures of our man.
do you believe that we yong joon's family can already be his defender? and that we can even do the marketing for him?
cheers jaime!
hi there byjglobal!
yup i agree with, there are so many byj fans that opted to be a silent supporter that a war freak fan.
uhm about his hairstyle...yeah actually his hairstyle sometimes is a bit off. i don't like him with a fluffy do and too much curls. ms hong sometimes make it too high too o_0 . likewise his lipstick is too red at times. frances and i make it a point not to post photos of yong joon looking too girlish bec it will surely give antis something to talk about.
*me blushing* geez, thanks for your praise. i can't believe that you said that i write good. hee, actually amongst the bae bloggers, i believe that i'm the worst writer and i always say that to frances.
frances is way way better that me. she researches and her vocabulary is so vast.
anyway, thanks again...your praise is so inspiring ^^
kudos to you & frances!
honestly, i know how hard you gals try to upkeep the byj thread on soompi, and i can't tell you enough how grateful i am to the two of you. i'm sure it ain't easy to keep the thread so high up that it's always on the first 2 pages of the forum. thank you thank you thank you. sorry i haven't been able to do much.
actually frances has shared with me a couple of times how it pains her to hear the antis bashing him. i guess to each his own... we can't please everyone, and like what people say, one man's meat is another's poison.
i know we all know this... but still, it's hard to ignore those people's hurtful or untrue comments. coz we know wuri yong joon's not what they make out of him at all. but hey, they're saying those things simply because they haven't yet taken the chance to get to know him. remember what cloud nine said? to know him is to love him. so it's their loss. don't mind them too much, ya?
besides, i agree with you. the soompiers tend to be on the young side. so yong joon in his 30s is probably not quite their cup of tea in the first place. and to see those bulging-muscle pics and to read about how only the ajummas love him and all... and mind you, not many people bother to check out their facts before making up their minds... so therefore...
forgive them their ignorance, shall we?
but i admire you for what you've done. you've managed to lay the facts out there in a calm, non-fan-gushing manner. so, thank you again.
but yes, you and i both know the bashing will not stop. doesn't matter. it doesn't make us love him less. and in true BYJ fashion, he wouldn't bother either.
i just hate to see you gals getting all sad and upset by these ignorant, mindless, groundless and much-too-judgemental comments.
take care of you.
haha... jaime... see? told you you've the makings of a blogger. in fabshelly's words: go baby go!
hello bb!
without the tireless efforts of yong joon's family frances and i would have given up soompi. but because so many sisters contributing artworks, photos, articles, thoughts, experiences, vods, flashes or whatever there is to share we are able to maintain byj thread @ soompi.
actually there are some soompiers who pm me and tell me that they envy our thread coz we always have news about yong joon. and i always tell them that fans of yong joon are soooo diligent in sharing stuffs and they're resourceful as well.
the "6-pack" thread last night gave me mixed emotions. but after posting, i got relieved because i believe i was able to spread another good stuff about our man ^^ oh btw, only 2 negative posts were posted today. i guess my post silence the antis a litte ^^
yeah yeah definitely bashing will not put an end to whatever post we make. with all their bashing the only thing they will get from us especially in soompi is calm response ^^ as what one of our frontliner at the office said, the only way you can calm or pacify a mad person is to talk calmly and treat him like you are talking to a child ^^
bb, thanks for your kind words and your posting in soompi.
take care too!
Hi liezle,
I've never been to the celeb. photo section of soompi simply because of all the bashings going on there but I'm not surprised to hear from you about what they are saying about BYJ.
You are Frances are doing a great job of educating the people there and I feel guilty not helping out a lot. We can never please everyone but thanks for speaking out when those antis are just being nasty and bitchy.
I said this on BB, I'll say it here:
The forums are brand spanking new (and Bill even put in bad colors and a typo to prove it!) and deserted and empty.
It could be a full, happy and thriving community, without all the "antis" throwing, stones. You know?
hey frances! thanks for dropping by ^^ really you've been a great help in soompi.
yes sis you are correct, being young doesn't give those fans them an excuse to be rude.
oh well let's do our best in putting byj thread up there and share with them infos that will help them know more about our man.
hi hi marissa! long time no see ^^ thanks again for visiting and dropping a note in my blog. hee, i'm pretty sure you know very well the kind of members soompi has. but i'm enjoying it there. i actually do not care if yong joon is not popular in soompi for so long that i can spread his works and the kind of person he is, is already enough for me.
see you sis!
hi michelle! thank you for setting your footprints here in my blog ^^ well, antis ought to be clarified even for just a little of that they think of our yong joon. and soompi is a good venue to start ^^. btw, i do visit your blog and forum.
take care!
Hi liezle!
One of the last ones here, but really want to let you and Frances know also how much I appreciate your resourcefulness and tireless efforts to run such a classy, quickly updated,& informative thread at soompi. (I lurk there but get out in a hurry coz I cannot stand most of the comments in the various sections - usually so biased, thoughtless, and usually words without content. Oops I hope I don't sound too mean... but geez, I don't recall writing like that even when I was 15.)So that's exactly it, I guess - the "antis" (hee, looks like "ants" ^^) don't think before they comment anyway, so don't get too worked up trying to get their brain machines to wake up. But anyway, eventhough I haven't commented there before, I want to let you both know you are setting a great example there and a difficult lead for the others to follow. Thanks, ladies!!
hi there mishio! really you visit soompi? actually, spamming is one of the biggest headache of the moderators in soompi. frances and i are both happy bec at least in byj thread frequent visitors do not spam. but sometimes we wish them especially the lurkers to give us their thoughts on yong joon ^^ honestly, there are many who visit byj thread and when the id was still on in soompi you can even see some anonymous visitors.
you know what, i guess soompi is a popular hang out of oversears fans of k entertainment bec that is one of the famous forums wherein they can get newest update on their idols. and i believe that we byj family are lucky bec we do not depend much on such kind of forum bec we have so many baesites that we can go to. and members are really accommodating.
btw, thanks for the kind words. everything we do at soompi is for yong joon. ^^
hee... like mishio, i also thought 'antis' look like ants... :p
thanks again, liezle & frances!
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