I might have really gone wacko if not for soompi, quilt, kob, flowerbossa and happiebb’s blog and sweet company of baesisters who visit my blog and soompi.
I’m happy but not blissfully happy. But this person always gives me every reason to smile and forget my worries.

Btw, over the weekend when there was a deafening silence all over baeland, i created Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi thread to keep me sane. Though almost all the news and updates there are not new to us anymore, if you have a soompi account please do drop by. The thread has already about a thousand visitors for only 2 days and most visitors i noticed are different from the byj thread visitors.
Gosh!!! I didn't know it was your birthday week last week... Saeng il chukahamnida, chingu! Better late than never, right?
Gotta fix your gift soon... :)
hi robyn! actually it's already been 2 weeks ^^ hey like i said to you no need to hurry k? there are thing a lot more important than that. but i really appreciate your thoughtfulness.
take care!
hey liezle, hope you're feeling slightly better now... after all, we do have something exciting to look forward to... in about two days' time :p
think all of us could use some good or happy news now.
sorry to hear that you're not blissfully happy, but like what bb said - 2 more days and we'll see his beautiful face again!
Thanks for creating the TWSSG thread. It looks great!
i hope this note finds you in better spirits.
thanks for the TWSSG thread. It's wonderful. sincerely appreciate your time and effort to do all that work.
take care! cheer up! be well!
hi bb, jaime and vegas!
thanks for wishing me well. ^^ without any exaggerations thanks to yong joon for taking my mind out of my worries.
btw, take care of your health guys. with the sudden change of the weather. right now i'm down with a flu. i should be resting but i don't want to miss on anything about yong joon and hally expo.
dear liezle,
please take good care of yourself and get some rest. I know you don't want to miss anything, but you need to take care of you.
get well soon!
Yooohooo! Liezle A Belated 2double-O 7 to you.
Thanks zillions (and more.. ) for your endless and tireless effort on YongJoon's pix,news & updates ...OMGOSH...Oooo, Aaah... Geewizz...everything!
Those pictures & captions ...kept me smiling & grinning to myself.
I am practically going insane, ha-ha!
Anyways, goodjob & hardwork well done (at soompi especially) and here, of course !!
What can I say...'I loved your Blog' !
Take care...I'll come back here for sure.
OK, I'm off to soompi (back to my addiction).
Thanx & Taaa!
Just me ~ puppyiz (puppy eyes)13/1/07
And Hey...belated birthday to you too eh?
(Umm... I just noticed Robyn's earlier post)
Here's wishing you the Best and may all your dreams be fulfilled.
* Stay happy, eat happy BE HAPPY ! *
Puppyiz :D
hey fellow soompier puppyiz, thanks for dropping by! and for the greeting ^^
thanks for visiting soompi as well and posting comments. hope to see you more often.
take care and see you around ^^
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