Here's again another set of interview of Hyung Jun this time with Razor TV. Thanks to hl2412 for tweeting these vids and uploading in YT.
And here's one part of the interview that iamsom tweeted which came from the same news. The screencaps shows Hyung Jun showing different faces as he was act to act them out.

i love razortv for interviewing jun!!! hahahaha. everybit of it was really cute and funny. ^_^
but seriously, razortv should get their facts rigth. since when did SS501 disband. really disturbing to hear 'departure, former member, ex-, disband'. hmph.
sigh. i agree. i automatically shut my ears whenever i hear such comments.
but it was so entertaining just watching hyung jun. (and that is because i miss SS501 oh-so-much) any news of any one member just makes me happy :D
Something that Razortv can improve on-get their facts right. Don't the reporter's do their 'homework'? The last we heard from the boys were 'SS501 forever', and 'till we all become grandparents'. Given that, how can there ever be the phrases 'disbanded' and 'ex-member' be used on them?
Hyungjun's lovely in the interview...but imagine how unhappy he may be when he hears the reporters label him as 'ex'?
Other than that, the interview was done well...just hope that razortv does more research next time :D
i hate the reporters!! he sounds annoying and give false info!!
Ah look at his perfect skin. Baby isn't baby for no reason. The other members can have close to perfect skin, but baby's one really shines like a baby's. It's so smooth, fair and even-toned. I have no absolute bias for maknae, but when skin and complexion are concerned, you've just got to give it to him^^
RAZORTV 0.48 Breaking up after release 3rd mini album, 0.57 was the 3rd departure from the group, 0.16 former member of SS501, 1.32 after leaving SS501…they not suppose to say that...Hyung Jun must be sad to hear all those nonsense statement(=_=)
wow looks drop dead handsome as usual..i am loving the necklace..he really has low necklines these days(not that i mind..hehe)
i adore his english and he definetly is the only artist who gave such a funny interview..i am looking forward to his future activities..
hyung jun baby fighting!!
Yeah, the "ex-member" and "disband" parts were BAAADD. They're going to get a lot of angry emails from SGTS! XP
But I LOVED this interview! The acting was so cute, and he did THE ARROGANT POSE! LOL! Ah, really makes me miss SS501 together!
But what Hyung Jun said is true: he gets to make the music that expresses himself (rather than the whole group), and he gets more camera time. This is good because people can get to know the other members individually better. Let's face it, most interviews are directed towards HJL the most. ^^; But here, they showed his unique R&B style and his more humorous but collected persona (he reverts to a Baby when "bullied" by his hyungs).
Likewise, when YS went to Japan alone for the "Will It Snow for Xmas" event, we got to hear his ballad music and see more of his funny and naughty personality that can sometimes be over-shadowed when SS501 is together. There's nothing wrong with having different roles when together or separate; it's just nice to see them shine individually, too, as long as we know they'll always be 5-0-1! :D
he is such a down to earth's an awesome personality to have for an artist..
thanks for posting
woah woah woah...EX member???
departure from ss501??
breaking up 3rd minialbum???
even baby said that they didnt disband....and he said that in the same seat as he was sitting in this could people possibly be this dumb??
the reporter really didnt do their homework..really annoying to hear she saying 'ex' SS501...
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