on ji sub...after the success back to back premiere of 'rough cut' ji sub remains to be busy today doing interviews one after the otber. in kob 가을여자 posted this portion of interview of ji sub from ISPlus. the interviewer ask ji sub what bae yong joon told him when he attended the vip premiere last night. and according to ji sub:
"Well, he's such a quiet hyung. (laughs) We're family, so he always only tells me good things. Even if I say 'Hyung, don't say that, tell me what you really think", he'll always praise me to the max, and say I'm the best. [translation : dahee fanel/jsa]
here are 2 latest photos from today's interview

on ji ah...the stars of
'beethoven virus' lee ji ah and jang geuk suk will have a presscon at seongnam art center hall on the 4th of sept at 2pm. lja will show her skills in playing the violin.
hee, just thinking out loud, will her bof family support her also by watching her perform? will yong joon be around? honestly, i doubt but i'm wishing. ^^
plus one more...
on SP ShimSP Shin was seen at Incheon at 18:20...could yong be going to japan as earlier rumored to check his nagoya restaurant?
let's wait for confirmation ^^
source : posoku's blog/lcktour
mariko's post on soompi
Had another call.YJ is still in Seoul but Mr. Shin is supposedly in Japan fora certain BYJ family gathering at Park BOF Fukouka.Ok, YJ is in Seoul for his birthday while Mr. Shin isin Japan...The family started their pilgrimage to Nagoya Airport when the news broke out a few hours ago. The airport authorities mightbe wondering what was all about the sudden flocks of people.
and i've to ask her
Mr. shim as in SP shim to attend a byj family gathering at Fukouka? isn't it there is another Mr. Shim? the one in Gosireh?
her reply
I heard the SP shim was invited by the CEO of Park BOF Fukouka.Our Japanese sister source said that there's no schedule yet for YJ to visit "Gosireh Nagoya".
thanks mariko! whew...