Tuesday, August 10, 2010

[Pix] Young Saeng & Kyu Jong @ Haneda 080910

Thanks again to Sudal for emailing this photos. We're so lucky that she's back. Just in time when Young Saeng is back in Japan and probably might just be resuming activities. ^^

Much thanks to the shutterbug of BestFriend for this set of photos of Young Saeng and Kyu Jong at Haneda Airport. ^^



Anonymous said...

What a short trip. I'm glad we've been seeing more of these two very quiet boys.

They may be starting some activities? I hope so too. Its a a LONG while...

Anonymous said...

the guys guarding/escorting them are not the same faces we usually see when they travel, even the car that picked them is different, its not the van they usually ride

toot!toot! well i can't help but be excited if they are resuming activities again - i'm soooo looking forward to it^^ thanks for the pictures BestFriend/Sudal/Liezle (A)

Anonymous said...

young saeng ah...so hotttttt!!!