Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! The King is coming!

At last news about the shooting and prayer ceremony of "Great King and Four Gods" came out this afternoon. We'll see Yong Joon tomorrow...yahoo!!!
Though the event is not open to the public, i still feel ecstatic about it. I guess reasons for these are for the staff and crew to feel at ease and to get to know each other before the start of the shooting.
You know what guys? Because of my excitement, I was actually about to file a leave credit for tomorrow and spend the whole day in my pc . Then BOF released a notice in kob *^-^* about the event not being open to public. With it, I then decided to just work and wait for BOF's news which i know will come after the ceremony.
Crazy huh? Taking a leave credit just for GKFG's prayer ceremony ^^ It just goes to show how excited I am about this drama of Yong Joon.
I'm really looking forward to this event. I'm so excited to see Yong Joon. I wonder what surprise Yong Joon will have for us tomorrow. Geez, we'll be seeing those beautiful smile again that will be posted in major papers and portals. Oh wow, I'm getting really giddy. *liezle jumping up and down*
Anyway, here's wishing ALL the BEST for "Great King and Four Gods"!
beautiful sketch courtesy of hiyonn
hey there byjglobal! don't worry i'm pretty sure BOF will not let his fans disappointed. in the notice posted by BOF in KOB, they will be providing us with news and hopefully *crossing my fingers and everything there is to cross* photos!
Were you able to get a leave from work? What we'll do just for this Man. See you around sis.
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