Wednesday, October 21, 2009

aahhh jung min...

you're making me go nuts again.

Here's another set of photo of Jung Min from the the Seoul Fashion Week S/S 2010 that I got from Thanks to Double PASS for these wonderful captures of Jung Min.

Btw, some of you were guessing which part of Jung Min's body I was focusing on when I was watching the fashion show. Honestly, my eyes were on Jung Min's face. I was so mesmerize by his sideview profile and serious look. Likewise, I was watching they way he was strutting the run way sexily. With the clothes he was wearing there's no way i could see a glimpse of his sexy rear and thighs.

Oh yeah, at one point I was checking on his arm when he was wearing the tunic like shirt. They're long and slim. And his left hand looks manly.


shirbo said...

are you sure u weren't staring at his butt and legs?!?! cuz i'm sure thats ur favorite parts of JM!! haha

Anonymous said...

That's great, you saw 3 out of 5 boys already...2 more to go *wink* Jung Min is charismatic and just so charming! Thanks for sharing!!!

-shrimpy ^.^

khin said...

Hee, hee me too liezle, I though you were staring at ___ ~^. You're so lucky. I like more JM's pics taken from his left side. I've been seeing he always post from his right side. I don't know why?
Thanks for sharing sis!