Tuesday, October 06, 2009

fancam! it's young saeng.

Really really appreciate Shirley's fast upload of videos on YT. Loads of thanks as always Shirley. ^_^

Fancam of Young Saeng is courtesy of BestYS.

Btw, the vid is kinda blurry yet because it's still processing, it'll take a little while more for you to watch it more clearly.


Anonymous said...

wow that's too fast..YS is so cute..
and here we can see another hyunsaeng moment..is YS talking to leader?hehe..coz leader doesn't have any reaction..at all!!

Anonymous said...

OMG..i know it's YS's fancam but..I CANT HELP WATCHING HJL!

i missed him..and lots of HyunSaeng moments here..lol!


mel_1223 said...

Ah, nice, though it is YS's fancam, HJL did get quite abit of coverage there too. I like it at 0.8-0.10sec there where HJL put his arms around YS's neck and get him to come too, as if telling him come, dont get left behind ^^.. our sweet Leader who takes care of all the members nicely :)

Anonymous said...

to mel..i think u've got that wrong..the one who put his arm arnd YS neck was Kyu..hehehehe. nweiz, so hapi to see them all together..and leader!!!!!

mel_1223 said...

Oh really, Anonymous?
Gosh, my cough medication really gotten to me these few days.. I been having blurry eyesights for this past days.
Thanks for the correction, though..let me go back tonight n rewatch it again..hehe