Sunday, February 28, 2010

Park Jung Min On style Magazine episode 2

credit 3kimheoparkss501

fancams press conference and encore personna 27/02

credit 3kimheoparkss501

credit murderer

credit littlebean

thanks anonymous for the tip ^^

credit SaengFam

[FanCam] Please be good to me 02.27.10

Just arrived sorry for the lateness.

Here's Hyung Joong solo in Saturday night's Encore. Thanks to kinghyunjoong for the video. Please DO NOT reupload in any video streaming otherwise kinghyunjoong might be sharing vids anymore to international fans.


Encore Personna KingHJ pix 27-2-2010

credit KINGHJ / Baidu

SS501 Personna encore pix 27/02

credit DoubleS
photo by eugene
Legend Kim

more encore concert pix 27/02