Here are more photos of Young Saeng taken by the shutterbug of Amorino taken from Gimpo today. Thanks to 김프로 for sharing on
Btw, it looks like Young Saeng and Kyu Jong went to Osaka to have fun. The paper bag on Young Saeng's cart says so. ^_^ Hmm, makes me wonder if they've taken Shinkansen [bullet train] from Tokyo to Osaka. ^^ I hope they did.

so happy to see them safely back in Seoul..and also so happy that kyu jong was actually there to support young saeng last thurs..kyusaeng <3!!
I would doubt if it's only the 2 of them. Maybe their families are with them or even their gf(oh my heart is aching saying it)
nay, they flew via domestic flight to Osaka then back to tokyo.
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