Friday, October 09, 2009

[photos & video] Jung Min is a sweetheart

If Young Saeng is a tease when the SS501 were at the bus on their way to their hotel, Jung Min on the other hand is such a sweetheart.

Sexy charisma made his fans heart fluttered when he displayed from the bus window white roses and a stuffed horse that was given to him by his adoring fans at the airport to show his appreciation to the fans who have waited for them at the airport.

Can you see the horse with a single rose?
On the right side are 3 white roses.

Check this video, sweet Jung Ming putting the flowers and the horse on window of the bus. Won't you be moved by his gesture?

Here are photos at Qingdao airport when SS501 arrived. I guess you would have known that the photographer is more keen on taking Jung Min photos than the rest of SS501.

Thanks to candy21 for shoving me these photos which she got from Baidu. Much thanks also to shutterbug.


Anonymous said...

Omo! I just love him, this guy rocks :D
So sweet :D always the nicest to his fans

Summer A. said...

omo! the horse is superr cute!:DD
jungmin's mascot((:

khin said...

I was moved since he came to LA. He's such a sweet heart. He know exactly how to pay back attention to his fans.Cute, cute,cute.
Thanks liezle.

mel_1223 said...

ah, i miss this again last night..will be back tonight for the vid. JM is really an adorably sweet cute guy :)