Sunday, October 18, 2009

[Trans] PressCon Clips

I just checked my email saw the email that was sent to me by SS5014ever/rj. Super heaps of thanks rj and sorry i just saw your email. I was out the whole day touring Hongdae and Dongdaemun. ^^

YT clips of SS501's press conference + rough translations

Credits: uploader + PTT Taiwan + SS5014ever @


YS's tongue twister basically means you eat vegetarian food for the 1st 10 days of the month according to the Lunar Calendar.
For those who're interested, when romanized/in Hanyu Pinyin, goes like this:
Chu Yi Chi Su, Chu Er Chi Su, Chu San Chi Su, Chu Si Chi Su, Chu Wu Chi Su,Chu Liu Chi Su, Chu Qi Chi Su, Chu Ba Chi Su, Chu Jiu Chi Su, Chu Shi Chi Su


Host was asking the members to do a greeting in Chinese..
JM: Mei Tian Dou You En-en Ma? (Do you pass motion everyday?/Do you go to the toilet everyday?)
Host then tells him that she has, but saying this wouldn't get him a girl in Taiwan XD
JM goes "Oh~~!!" then proceeds to ask Baby the same question XD
Baby's reply is "Hao (Good)"
Host asks other members to give a Chinese greeting
Baby says he always says this: "Ni Hen Piao Liang" (You're very beautiful) and he says it to the host as well.
Leader says: "Zai Jian (Goodbye)", hosts says he's saying goodbye even before they have their concert, leader goes "Ah...Ming Tian Jian (See you tomorrow)"
Hosts tells him, yes, first you go "See you tomorrow" then you say "goodbye"
YS says "Ni Shi Shen Me (What are you?)", and he says he likes how the sentence is pronounced..
the translator and the host took some time trying to figure out what he meant XD Host was asking did he say "Ni Chi Shen Me (What did you eat)?" or the above one.. XD

100% Entertainment:

JM singing Tian Mi Mi and his "do you go to the toilet everyday" line + YS's tongue twister..


News anchor says Leader apologized for the bodyguard who pushed the fan down at the airport yesterday (although not shown in news clip itself O_O)
Leader's tongue twister goes like this:
Yi Er San, San Er Yi, Yi Er San Si Wu Liu Qi, Qi Ke Shu Shang Qi Yang Guo
Ping Guo, Tao Er, Pu Tao, Shi Zi, Li Zi, Li Zi, Li
( 1 2 3, 3 2 1, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 7 fruits on 7 trees
Apple, Peach, Grape, Persimmon, Plum, Chestnut, Pear)


Summer A, i saw your translation below. Thank you so much too!

1 comment:

sume said...

totally funny that leader says goodbye 'zai jian' for his greeting! haha.. thanks liezle and enjoy seoul~