Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[Trans] Kyu Jong message on DSP webby!

Aigoo... aigoo... Kyu Jong message on DSP webby. Thanking everyone for their care for Leader. ^^ He also mentioned jokingly that they're all working hard for the album except Maknae ^^ [thanks to LHL for tweeting this]

xiaochu who already did the translation on Quainte501. Much much thanks!

Afterall the roller coaster kind of emotion that we were having today, this kind of message makes me feel so good. ThanKYU Kyu Jong! A very nice way to cap the day.

After reading Kyu Jong's message, let's put our two hands together be thankful for the day and the coming days.


05/18 [diary] KyuJong, “Aigoo Aigoo!! ^^ Pretties Hello... hee”

Credits : SS501.dspenter.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com


Aigoo Aigoo!! ^^ Pretties Hello... hee
2010-05-18 11:50:04 PM

It’s been a long time~~
Right!! Thank you for all the concerns to HyunJoong hyung.. hm.. though this is not a happy situation, or rather it is an upsetting situation..
With all the concerns from many of you, HyunJoong hyung will be fine right away!! Isn’t it?^^
Haha~ hm hm we 501.. are diligently in the midst of preparation ^^
We really prepared a lot.
Leading his aching body, leader HyunJoong hyung is also working hard, our YoungSaeng hyung is perspiring profusely and working hard too!
Our horse JungMin is also working even more seriously than usual!
Our magnae HyungJoon plays pranks... ah... what to do with this guy... heeheehee
Just joking~ HyungJoon is more quick-witted than others, so he does radio shows and learns the chorography fast and practices it~~
Now, today it rained ^^ On rainy days, the basement practice room will become damp so it gets stuffy..
When I come out after practice ends, got touched by the rain a little, it feels very refreshing as compared to other rains ^^ hee
Hm Hm.. Living a life and always going on as planned isn’t interesting at all isn’t it? ^^ Sometimes there can be a variable~
That will be interesting.. ^^ Let us put our two hands together and pray together for HyunJoong hyung to recover quickly hee
And put two hands together to pray again for other members not to fall sick ^^!
And put two hands together, I will pray for our pretties not to fall sick..^^
Because it is the foremost important to be healthy always, take care of yourself!
Work hard on the things you are doing! If you spend your time wisely, we!
Jjyan!!!!!!! Will give you a surprise ^^ My heart is beating at the thought of meeting you faster~~
Today is raining and it feels very good.. ^^
When it rains, I will think of our members, our pretty green peas.. ^^ Everyone is like that too right?!! ^^
Hm hm!!
Anyhow anyhow!! I will end here ^^
Bye~~ I will come back right soon again!!

After the rain, my sky~~(song lyric)


Original message in Hangul.

이구 아이구 !! ^^ 이쁜이들 안녕... ㅎ 2010-05-18 오후 11:50:04

아이구 아이구 !! ^^ 이쁜이들 안녕... ㅎ

2010-05-18 오후 11:50:04

참 !! 현중이형 걱정 많이 해주셔서 감사합니다.. 음.. 기쁜일이 아니어서 속상하긴하지만..
많은 분들이 걱정해주시는 만큼 현중이형도 금방 괜찮아 질거예요!! 그쵸 ?^^
하하~ 음음 우리 오공돌이..열심히 준비중이예요 ^^
정말 많이 준비하고있답니다.
아픈몸을 이끌구 리다 현중이형두 열심히구 우리 영생이형도 땀 뻘뻘 열심히구!
우리 말 정민이도 여느떄보다 더욱 진지하게 열심히이구!
우리 막내 형준이는 장난만치고... 아... 이놈 어쩔까요...ㅎㅎㅎ
농담이구요~ 형준이는 남보다 빠른 두뇌로 라디오도 하며 안무를 빨리 외워가며 연습한답니다~~
어제 오늘은 비가 내리내요 ^^ 비오는날 지하 연습실은 습기가 많이 차서 답답하긴 한데..
연습 끝내고 나올때 살짝 맞는 비는 다른 비보다 너무 시원해요 ^^ ㅎ
음음.. 살아가며 늘 계획한대로 된다면 재미없잖아요 그쵸 ?^^ 가끔 변수도 있기 마련이죠~
그게 재밋잖아요 ..^^ 현중이형 빨리 완쾌되도록 다들 두 손 모아 기도해요 ㅎ
그리고 다른 멤버들 아프지말게 두 손 모아 한번더 기도해요 우리 ^^!
그리고 우리이쁜이들도 아프지않게 두 손 모아 기도할께요..^^
항상 건강이 우선이니까 몸 관리 잘하구요!
하는 일 열심히하고 ! 시간 알뜰하게 잘 보내고있으면 우리가!
쨘 !!!!!!! 하고 깜짝 놀라게 해드릴꼐요 ^^ 빨리 만날 생각에 두근두근 한답니다~~
비내리는 오늘 너무 좋네요..^^
비가 오면 우리멤버들 우리이쁜완두콩들 생각나요..^^ 여러분도 그렇죠?!! ^^
아무튼아무튼!! 저는 이만 뿅뿅 갈께요 ^^
안녕~~ 금방 다시 올께요!!

비온뒤 갠 나의 sky ~~


Anonymous said...

all I could read and understand a bit is that he mentioned about leader at the beginning of his message and he was singing a line from their song Sky in the last line of his message.. and also that thing about maknae. LMAO.

fellyz said...

Hi liezle~ Ode has done the english translation, here is the link

liezle said...

Much thanks fellyz! Another translation of kyu's message.

Thanks to OdeDS too for sharing on her blog.


Anonymous said...

How sweet of Kuy! Let's all pray for a better tomorrow.

Poor leader! How will he fully recover by working with pain like that? It's too risky. He should has rested instead.

shirbogurl said...

kyu is bak to loving his pretties~~ haha

aprilstar said...

Dear Kyu ,

I am sorry I cannot write to you in Hangul .I only wish to thank you for your concern over your Hyun Joong Hyung .I know may times in the past when Hyun Joong needed assistance you were there for him. Please continue to do so and tell your Hyung to put aside his work and worries for now so he can concentrate on healing faster and to be very very careful from now on. Tell him also that SS501 will be alright because we will all be there for you if not in body at least in spirit .We are all praying for your safety and good health.

Best regards

kikilala said...

Thanks for sharing this ^_^