This is really unexpected! My friends and i were invited by our friend to attend one of the shows in the Seoul Fashion S/S 2010. Today's show showcased the design of Kwak Hyun Joo. We attended not knowing that there'll be any celebrities attending until before the start of the show we saw in front of us seated in front of the catwalk Kyu Jong, Young Saeng, Kim Bum & Jang Geun Suk.
I don't care much about Kim Bum and Jang Geun Seok. But Kyu Jong... sweet Kyu Jong... is sooooooo handsome! My friends even thought that he's Kim Hyun Joong. Young Saeng is soooooo handsome too!!!! Actually both are sooooo handsome!
Sigh... darn! I can't get them out of mind! Even when I was in KBS station looking at Lee Teuk and Eun Hyuk of Super Junior.
Yes again, my friends and I went to KBS to see Lee Teuk and Eun Hyuk in their radio show Sukira with their guest MC Mong and a famour rapper. We went there because some of our friends want to see them so we joined them too after the fashion show despite the very cold weather of 8 degrees. We can only see them outside the studio from a glass window. Anyway, my mind is not on them... Kyu Jong and Young Saeng are sooooooo darn handsome! Gawd I'm going crazy!
I'll upload photos of suju later
Liezle... u are soooo lucky...
u re soo lucky!!
got too see them with ur own eyes..
i thnk i will screaming like crazy if i see them in front of me..
did kyu jong or young saeng looking at u??
or at least smiling at u??
i wish i was there..
what're ur reaction after seeing them suddenly??
shocked? happy?
btw im soo happy for u..
hope u can see them more often n share some stories with us..
thank you!!
u r soo lucky!!!!!!!
see them with your on eyes naaa
im so freaking jealous of you liezle! thanks for the awesome photos of kyujong though! (:
its so cool to be invited to such fashion show!
wee!!!! so lucky liezle!!
so lucky!!
give us more pictures!! lolz
I think what's special about you, meeting YS and Kyu Jong was that it was completely unexpected. It's 501 times sweeter. Right? HAHA!
You were so lucky! :D
And I believe you when you say that Kyu is more handsome in person. <3
now, what's THAT for a surprise? HAHA! I'm sure your eyes totally popped out in disbelief when you saw them there! I'm imagining it and just imagining gives chills down my spine. You must have been in cloud 9! (or still is?) Congratz liezle! :)
OMG!!! u saw KJ and guy i'm starting to like due to "You're Beautiful" actor JGS was also there..deym,..must be heaven for you...wahh! i so envy u right now.. UR SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!
so so happy for you liezle!
you not only breathed the same air as them, you also managed to capture the same sight with them at the fashion show! lol!
such a lasting memory to leave behind...
more miracles to happen??? all the best!
Wow sis liezle! How lucky are you! YS & Kyu looked sooo handsome! The greatest thing about this is that it was so unexpected for you to see them. Those are the best moments I tell you ;)
Sounds like you are having a great time so far...take care and stay warm over there! Talk to you later sis!
-shrimpy ^.^
Hey Liezle
You are so lucky to see them in person~
Envy you always!~ >.<
Do enjoy yourself and wish you good luck!!! ^^
I hope you'll have more encounters with them :)
haha. omo! can totally feel your excitement over the post:DD
and i'm like three thousand miles away and spazzing over the photos as well, you were probably less than 30m away from them? :DD
lucky lucky!
You lucky gal Liezle. So happy for you. Trust Seoul was a fab trip for you despite the cold. Rest well yeah.
OMG LIEZLE!!! U'RE SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DID u go up to them!?
OOps, I think I'm excited seeing this. keke
AHHHH!! you're such a lucky girl, liezle! : ) i'm like dying to see him. : ) haha. have a great trip in Seoul. blog more about your trip too. : )
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