Ji Hoo showed several emotions in this episodes. The scene were Jan Di was nursing Ji Hoo then Ji Hoo reached out for her hand made me giddy. Ji Hoo made me laugh too when he gave Yi Jeong a kiss on the check because of the truth or dare game they were playing. And i I like each of their lines in that scene. Here it is...
YJ to JH: Other than SH will you love another?
JH looking at JD, smiled and answered: a long time ago, I've already wanted to try.
YJ: it's difficult isn't it?
JH smooches YJ
JH to JP: if the person you love is hurting because of you, will you let go?
JP: No. I will hold on. I will definitely bring happiness to her.
JP to JD: Did you keep the promise you made on the roadside?
JD: No. The person that I made the promise with no longer exists.
JD to WB: If F3 were girls, who would you choose to marry?
WB: Not a single one of them. I rather be alone, cold blooded-ly live like a player for the rest of my life. Or altogether enter a monastery.
F3 protests.
thanks to hoistdacolor for the trans which she shared on bof thread @ soompi
Okay here are some scenes from tonight episodes.

Here are more Ji Hoo's screencaps. Thanks fiona1111 for posting on khj thread @ soompi

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