Anyway, I've learned that today in Seoul despite the cold weather they are also affected by the yellow dust coming from Beijing, China. Yesterday, yellow dust blanketed Beijing. This was due to a sandstorm caused by a severe drought in the north and in Mongolia swept into the city. The wind blew parts of the yellow dust to Seoul prompting South Korean weather officials to issue a dust warning for Seoul.
With yellow dust, the air quality is "very bad for the health," It said people should cover their mouths when outside and keep doors and windows closed.
Alright, this post is not about yellow dust, I just have to blog a bit about the weather situation in Seoul as some of you would want to know. ^^
Okay now as the title of this post says, I'll be blogging about signs that will tell that you are a fangirl.

First, what is a fangirl?
Urban dictionary has 49 definitions of fangirl. I won't be posting them here anymore. So if you want to know all you may click HERE.
Wikipedia has defined fangirl too and I think I like the definition here better that the one in UD.
According to Wikipedia ~
A fan[girl], short for fanatic and sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for a sporting club, person (usually a celebrity), group of persons, company, product, activity, work of art, idea, or trend. Fans of a particular thing or person constitute its fanbase or fandom. They often show their enthusiasm by starting a fan club, holding fan conventions, creating fanzines, writing fan mail, or promoting the object of their interest and attention.
You agree? As it has been defined, if you've suddenly found yourself obsessing over any little thing remotely related to your fave celebrity then you're already a fangirl, yah?
Still not convince? Let's analyze you then. Here are 10 signs that you've turned into a fangirl. Put a check if you think that it's describing you, alright?
1. You start off by just wanting to read articles on your fave star, but all of a sudden you're buying a magazine simply because there is one line mention of them.
2. You record/download every single one of their TV appearances and watch it over and over again.
3. You burst into tears when you can't go online to check your favorite on the net.
4. You know every single-tiny detail about them down to what their nickname was in school.
5. You know so much about them that you start to think that you really do know them.
6. You beg your mom or spent money to buy something at the auction because you learned that they've touched them. [don't laugh as this is a true story]
7. You can barely remember what color your bedroom wall is because it's covered in posters from top to bottom.
8. You start liking things just because they like it.
9. You get really upset if anyone dares to say anything bad about them.
10. As soon as you find out that they will be releasing their new CD/DVD or movie or drama you want to get them the soonest possible time.
How many did you check?
Since that it has been established that you are a fangirl, let me now write down here and share with you some pointers on how to make a good fan letter and how to make a good sign for them to notice you in a concert.
Writing a good fan letter
1. Make it short and to the point. There is no need to ramble they'll have a ton of letter to read so it's best to make yours clear.
2. Get creative! Make a collage, draw pictures, make colorful, anything that will make your letter stand out. [well, for me i like it to be creative yet simple]
3. Make reference to something that is really important to them. Your letter will be remembered if it's somethng they can relate to. [don't put too much 'saranghae oppa' or 'oh you are soooo handsome oppa', okay?]
And lastly...
Make a Good Sign
[hee, you know how the boys have read some of my banners, yah?]
1. Anyone can say 'I love you [insert celebrity's name]' but you think of something different to write on your sign since it's more likely that they'll notice it.
2. Make it bright and colorful, they've got to notice it from a fair distance away. [hee, i didn't do this as my sign is already catchy]
3. Make the text in black and bold letters to make it easier to read.
Okay, since I'm at it, let me share too few pointer on how one should act when given a chance to meet them in person.
The DOs...
1. Remember your manners, say 'please' and 'thanks' and you're more likely to get a good response.
2. Give them space, we know you're just really excited to meet them but remember that they're also human. How would you like if if someone just started grabbing you. No so nice, is it?
3. Keep your composure. A celeb is more likely to talk to you if you're behaving normally instead of screaming in their face.
The DONTs...
1. It's a no no to approach a celeb when they're in a middle of eating or even in the toilet. It's annoying and in the case of the toilet, kinda freaky.
2. Do not yell out. Screamers are never fun.
3. Do not insult them like saying 'oh you're much taller on tv'.
4. Lastly, do not start acting like you've lost your mind. Think about it, if you were a celebrity who would you rather stop and chat to? The girl who is freaking out or the girl with a happy smile on their face?
sources : most of the infos are mine with a little help from 'totally girl'.
he he so many things to check!!! thanks anyway!!!
am proud to be a 'fangirl" of SS501...and i miss them sooo much since they don't have any group activities as of this month...what keeps me occupied? am casting my e-votes on this poll...(i think am the only one voting there since no is aware of this)...check it out will you please, maybe you could influence fellow SS501 supporters to join in:
fabulous and true!!!^^ Recently realized i was a fan girl myself! Hated the UD definitions. Love urs! thanks for the tips!
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