From what I read on Prettyboy Maknae went to Japan for a telerecording for NHK.
Here are photos from Prettyboy .

Here's the vid...
P.S. Alright, I only managed to really take a look at this post at 2:11am :) Oh Maknae has dyed his hair darker and it's much shorter now compared to the last time we saw him last Wednesday. Hee, and did you noticed that his carrying 2 mobile phones? Really, amongst the members, it's always Maknae who is busy texting and calling. Hmm, wonder if he's always reporting to someone. ^^
first of all...hello to the owner of this wonderful blog...i hope,she won't mind that i post a comment..
anyway,hmmm...what is NHK??..sorry don't know..
btw..i always like hyungjun oppa t-shirts...they r so cute,just like him... :D
thanks for the share...
Dear liezle,
I always enjoy your blog!
Thank you so much for your passionate sharing of information.
Just a short comment on the question about NHK. It is like a sort of MBC in Korea; NHK is Japan's national broadcasting (TV & radio) company. Amazing SS501 appear on NHJ of which impact will be big nationwide.
loving our baby. he looks so better now after gaining a few pounds. so much better!
Is it me or did he have a new hair cut and colour?
haha the manager is wearing that "better late than never" tee shirt again as seen during departure to bkk on 11th feb, so is baby, wearing the same black jacket and sunglasses!
and i think @0:14 can see JM dancing? haha. so cute!
baby is looking good nowadays...
i'm feeling that there's a smoking body behind the cute bear shirt:)
japanese fans suspect they're going there for THIS PROGRAM
Thanks bb! You think that the rest of the boys will be heading there too? I sure if it's going to be KPop thing the whole SS501 should be there.
It might just be an exciting weekend for us.
uhm I think Baby was holding his ipod touch~ not an iphone so yeah i think Baby's still using the blackberry!
LOL at Jung Min!!! Shaking his sexy butt at 0:25!!! I can't stop laughing at him LOL
Jung Min's missing his Kara-dongsaeng ay!!! ^^
Thank for sharing these beautiful picx!!!
I missed the boys so badly T_____T
nawhh jung min dancing behind baby/. baby looks good now with his hair shorter.. woohooo.. we thought that after encore theyd be doing their own things, i guess they just cant let go of one another lol
oh sweet...he's using blackberry and iphone 3gs (cos it's white)!!!
hmmmm...and his fashion is really something...very simple but elegant!
awwww gosh he's such a happy guy!!
dear hyung jun baby, can we be BBM friends? hahaha in my dreams, right? =)
Ah... One phone is not enough for him to fuss over? Now he has two!! HAHA!!
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