Here's a set of photos of Hyun Joong seen playing soccer once again. Not sure though when this was taken but the blogger posted this on her blog on the 21st of March.
Leader is always playing soccer lately. I wonder if this has something to do with his next project or It's just he's so many free time?

Geez, he looks handsome. Sigh...
And here's a video of the photos above. Much much thanks to Harleyhns for uploading on y YT and to candy21 for the tip.
For whatever reason KHJ is playing soccer a lot these days is always good for the body and the mind . Spring air is always refreshing too.Keeps his feet "well grounded "and better attuned to his environment spirit .
Happy to see that oppa have some of his free time and do what he loves to do finally....cheers
Read somewhere that Seoul air is not that good nowadays due to the wind coming from Beijing carrying yellow dust. Hope Hyun joong and the others didn't inhale them.
Goallll...! Did leader just hit the goal! He looks great, healthy and handsome. Hopefully, he doesn't get sunburn.
if he had many free time, why didn't he go to fishing? :D
Glad to see him around :)
He maybe practicing his soccer skill for a next project. Or just one way of getting in shape.
he's not even wearing shin guards! he must really like to play soccer a lot :)
he did mention tt he hopes to go south africa to watch the world cup this yr... although one of my friends who has close friends in african embassy says that even the embassy ppl say it is not safe to go south africa for the world cup... might be too rowdy... so for his sake, i hope he doesn't go...
so glad that he's healthy and happy ^^ loving his footballing~!!
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