Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @

Management company Key East revealed on 29th that “Kim Hyun Joong has signed an exclusive contract with Key East.”
Following that, Kim HyunJoong will move his activities from DSP Media to Key East. And with the change of management company, naturally he will be dropped out of SS501 too.
SS501 management company DSP Media said to Newsen through a telephone conversation today “Whether they are going on as 4-member group or adding a new member, we have not decided on SS501’s activities yet.”
Currently, SS501 members besides Kim HyunJoong, are approaching the ending of their contract with DSP Media which is the top priority rather than the planning for the activities.
Kim HyungJoon’s new management company Key East holds artistes like Bae Yong Joon, Lee Na Young, Choi Kang Hee, Lee Bo Young, Bong Tae Kyu, Lee Ji Ah, Park Ye Jin, So Ee Hyun, Hong Su Hyun, etc.
Key East in cooperation of their affiliated company DA (Digital Adventure, a Japan public listed company) which has a lot of know-hows, will make aggressive support for his overseas activities. DATV, a cable channel which specializes in Asia Entertainment will also help in various promotions for Kim HyunJoong.
Key East representative Yang Geun Hwan said “We will foster his diverse potential as a singer and actor, in order to show an even better side of him, he will have a fresh start. Considered to be the Hallyu star of the next generation, we will help him to develop himself to cross over the Asia stage and be a world class entertainer, with specialized and intensive support from us.”
what is DSP's mean they drop Hyun joong from SS501? ....that's so sad TT,,TT
is it not possible that they will be SS501 forever?
oh nooo...
kim hyun joong..
please don't leave ss501..
i feel disappointed،if he woulden't do thet everything would go perfectly fine and everything would in place.i wasn't seeing this coming so i am still in shock.
i never thought he would leave the group،not like this probably because DSP isn't paying him the money he somebody would will get suffer because of him.i am sure triple s won't accept the new member .he said he would stick to them no matter i beliave he would leave the boys he considered his brothers.i really hope he come back before its to late.i am a fan from iran(Melika). me and fellow iranian triple s are terribly disappointe. we never thought he would let us down like this.
Obstacles...this ain't new to ss501, is it? I believe that they will pull through eventually, as always. Sometimes i'm thankful they are put through these obstacles, for if not for these obstacles, ss501 may not be the ss501 we know today. They may not have been as close as they now are, nor as successful. They are one tough group, which has never had a smooth and easy path to stardom. Yet they made it. I believe in them. They are not just stars and idols, in this five years they've learnt to love and care for each other and their fans.
I was really sad when i first heard the news, but action speaks louder than words. From the strong bond the share, i believe that nothing can tear them apart. Hyunjoong's move will only serve to bring them to even greater heights, just as how they said to support them in all their solo activities while waiting for their comeback.
ss501 hwaiting! triple s hwaiting! <3!!!
We don't know the details, so lets wait to hear from the boys themselves to make any conclusion. I'm sure they have consulted each other on this issue already.
And to what dsp has said, i doubt the other four members will be willing to accept coming back as ss401 or with another member. The feeling is just different. No one can just 'replace' hjl whatsoever. Not because he is hjl, but because people are unique. Besides, the other guy will feel left out.
dsp has to learn that ss501 isn't ss501 if any one of the current members are missing. i guess the members feel so too.
It is unfair to jump to conclusions and put the blame on hjl.
I have watched a little of the group through you tube and videos. I must say, for celebrities like them, they are very honest and transparent.
For one, the March concert where KHJ cried, appeased by the other members, was already a sign that something was cooking.
Then during the last promotional activity where the 4 were so emotional, while KHJ remained composed and was just looking on.
May they remain strong amidst all these.
I feel sad about this too but aren't we all just jumping at his throat way too much?
Whatever HyunJoong has decided, it's probably something he sees that he should do for himself. He never said he wanted to leave SS501. Rather, HyunJoong probably wants to make true his promise to us. But if he needs to leave DSP and because of that DSP has taken the stand that Kim HyunJoong is no longer a part of SS501, there is nothing anyone can do about it.
For all the 5 years he's been in SS501, he's always been the leader, taking the burden onto his own shoulders so that his members get the best. He even came out with money to pay for the production of their own album when that was something DSP should have managed better.
If we're really TS, we'll believe in them. That's what they've told us to do. And that's what I'm determined to do as well.
No matter what HyunJoong decides, we should be there supporting him. Let's wait for an official statement or a message from the boys.
OMG!!! dunno what to say!!! I'm crying right now!!!I still believe in SS501! in leader,Kim hyun joong!!! I will stay calm and try to controll my emotions till all things are clear!!!! SS501 Fighting!!!!!
what up with dsp ? nobody can replace HJL place... why dont dsp try to work out with key east on how to manage ss501
i dunno what to say. when i read the first article on this, tears just fell. i feel stupid for crying over something like this. but i've come around this news and absorbed it a little bit. in the last fanmeeting, didnt leader say there would be a lot of rumours and negative comments about ss501, and didnt he tell us to believe in ss501? it's funny though, cus eventhough i'm saying this, i'm still contradicting my stance. i'm telling myself that he might have just said it, anyone could say things like that, and moreover, baby saying that they'll be togther and that they have to prepare for their next album. but is all that just mere words? i wonder!
i have to admit, the first thing i said after reading that article, i called KHJ a bastard. i was too angry (im usually a calm person, believe me or not). but now, i realised that i should wait, and should everyone as well, wait for an OFFICIAL statement from hyun joong, young saeng, kyu jong, jung min, and hyung jun.
as a triple S, i only cheer for SS501 as a whole. with one missing, it's not SS501 anymore, would it?
i hope people wouldnt pin point at leader just yet. and for those who say that im a bad fan, that im selfish cus i only want to please my self and that i dunno the whole story and that this is for KHJ's benefit and that i should support him as his fan, well, i'm only expressing my thoughts as a fan, as a fan, i am worried, anxious, angry, cus i fell in love with SS501, the five of them. i never quite liked them when their solo, they dont shine alone. and its only our most fundamental instincts to worry about something we care about the most.
in the end, i only wish them the best.
and i hope SS501 will remain
oh! and if they do remain as SS501 while KHJ is with keyeast, it reli reli proves his love for his dongsaengs. so i hope, that'll happen.
I only want to question something.
Does this really mean that the other 4 members stay under DSP? They really HAVE BEEN RECONTRACTED?
If yes, it should be on the news!!
it's weird because if they haven't... DSP can't control or decide something for them.
Legally they've been free of any contracts since 8 June right?
OMG... issit TRUE???!! NOOOOOOOOOO....... i can't believe it! im totally shocked when i saw all these posts regarding HJL! OMG pls tel me this aint real! im so gonna be so sad if its real.. T.T
since my friend told me bout this until ive seen it with my own eyes ive been crying non stop..i trusted them soo much when they said that no matter what rumours we hear or whatsoever we have to reamin faithful and believe in them..and now...i still cant believe it..i know i should support hjl in pursuing his dreams..but still they are 501 five as 1 FOREVER!he cant just leave like this!!!!!!hjl come back come back!!!!!!!i would nv ever accept another member as it is not e rea '5'01 its just another 5....
I treat this as another rumour bcoz i did another news jungmin, youngsaeng kyujong still have not decided yet (i forgot what news, i will try to look for, bcause too many news i have read today)
8:32 pm anonymous,
I think you need to consult a doctor.
I hope you can repost ode's fabulous translate job. She covers almost korean news today.
It will give you complete point of view.
Just post 1 news translation only can be give misinformation, thus ode's translation is the most complete one.
OMG!! i dont know what to say...
i cant believe it...
please dont disband and no one can replace hjl...T_T
i still believe in ss501...
8:32 pm anonymous,
before you blame someone think of that you dont even know what is the true story behind ....
what if this is true:
according to news from japanese fans,
"jung ming and hyung joon signed with DSP first,
on the 5 year anniversary, 5 of them only knew that DSP wouldn't sign kyu
hyun joong request sign kyu first before he sign, but DSP refused
hyun joong recomment kyu to YG
so everyone will be in different company and come out with a new album next year
ys and kyu is in japan now, ys negociating drama OST, kyu and YG negociating
jung min said will come out with album next year"
KHJ and KeyEast already state that Leader WILL continue with SS501 IF all other four members AND DSP wish to do so. Who to blame now?
No body knows for sure if other four members actually sign in with DSP though.
Why don't we wait for an official statement
I'm scared, it hurts to read these news. Come to think so it, this was probably what they've been going through for the past few months. Let's keep faith, they promised more albums and concert tours in the future, we'll just have to be patient while the settle their contract problems. Pray hard that things will turn out right for these boys. They deserve better
I wish KeyEast bought over ss501 as a whole instead. The other four are just talents that hasn't been nurtured at best. I hope KeyEast see equal potential in them as they did in hjl.
God bless SS501!
Anon 8:32, Your post made me feel much better. How do you know this stuff?
Regarding the previous post, if KeyEast signed all 5 of them, they would have to rename the group as the right to the name "SS501" is with DSP. (Just like when the Jackson 5 left Motown, they had to rename themselves as The Jacksons. Also just like the lead Michael in The Jacksons, leader KHJ is who the entertainment businessmen want because he's already got the goods (talent-wise and the fan base). I just think it would have been proper if statement regarding the contracts of the other four members came out first before KHJ's KeyEast signing because this gives the impression that he's sort of "abandoning" the group. Read all the comments from the news and see how confused the fans are.
...I guess what I'm trying to say is whoever decided to come out with the press release regarding KHJ's KeyEast signing had the timing off. Delaying the announcement until all the other members have released statements could have produced a greater hype and excitement regarding KHJ's future projects, and it would have also avoided the mixed/confused feelings from the fans. Unless KHJ felt pressured...
honestly, i don't believe the rumour about dsp not wanting to sign kyu. Why wouldn't they? SS501 wouldn't be SS501 without kyu. not to mention that kyu has been doing quite well for the past few years. we should just trust them and wait till they come out and give an official statement about their future as five.
12:10 am anonymous,
you don't believe it! Here is the site which jm told twts that dsp don't want to sign kyu.
Here is the translation from a HK TS posted in Chinese:
JM and Baby signed with DSP first. They only learned around 5th anniversary that DSP would NOT sign Kyujoong. Leader demanded that DSP signed Kyujoong first before he would sign, but DSP refused. So Leader had to refer Kyujoong to YG.
They'll sign with different companies and work on an album together next year. YS & Kyujoong are now in Japan, YS working on a drama OST deal and Kyujoong negotiating with YG for a contract. JM said to the fans 3 times on the plane that the five of them will have an album next year.
Leader will sign with a different company. This was because he wanted to protect the other four members, the SS501 name and the fans. He only referred Kyujoong to YG because DSP refused to renew Kyujoong's contract thus breaking up the group.
JM and Baby thought all five were going to get new contracts so they signed first. JM also said they would be separated this year, but would work together again next year. They all repeatedly talked about next year, meaning they would be working again together, but with different companies representing them.
Since no one in the group wished to disband, so Leader had to stand up and shouldered all the blames for doing his best to keep everyone together and protect the fans.
現在水和奎在日本,水在談電視劇的ost,奎在和YG 談合約
賢重會簽其他公司..係因為保護其他4 個同埋SS501呢個名同埋FANS
1:15 AM anon,
you have to no that the source might not be accurate, im not contesting whether its legimite or not but just saying, even the best of us make mistakes. anyways, i dont want to believe that they didnt want to sign sweet q... i dont want to believe any of the members is having a hard time
OMG!! Poor Kyu! No wonder the contract thing is dragging for too long, and leaded didn't sign with KE until the 28th of this month.
I knew there must be something not right with this whole thing. Baby and JM went to TW, when JS & KJ couldn't. No wonder!
we have some questions about this rumour, personally i hope this is the truth more than ever:
- why mal told fans something secretive like that?
- why dsp didnt want to sign kyu, judging from talents, he is very potential to be a solo artist?
- this rumour was first around from someone on the shoutbox of liezle's blog and it was from japanese fans, how can it be from tw fans now?
1:15 AM Anonymous
there isn't any trustworthy source that uphold this news.beside the all the things Anonymous 2:29 said there is much much more questions.honestly i even can't remember the last time seeing LHJ show his love for members basically the first questions that came to my mind was are the names if there is help and support for our sweet kyu jung i would immediately think of jung min young soeng and next baby leader will be the last one for me.its like are the other members in some magical deep sleep or they are no. i am sure jung min would post it on ss501 homepage or it would be in at least a Korean fan site.and really i highly doubt that LHJ is even close to YG that much.
YG is the agency of goo hye sang (jandi of bof)
I am drowning my self in my own i understand why JM cried that much and everybody consoling each other while LHJ seems me even though leader has great heart and a nice attitude he always was the coldest in ss501.remembering the all the similar situations LHJ never was THER aver.while JM always said through his loud actions how he cares for me beside the always being nice to fan in any situation he always tried his best to not let the boys down.the first live perform YS crying JM rush in and trying to make him fell better.then JM crying same reaction this time by KJ .LKH crying ALONE.first fan meeting KJ crying YS did the job this time.other member cried too except LHJ.i haven't seen some adorable remark from him since BOF i haven't witness any real couple inclusive him.what ever hyunkyu hyunseong geamal or 2hj .while tom and jery seem closer than ever kyumin too minseong too the japan concert the girlfriend boyfriend thing.i think he never showed his love completely or openly like other members.always some hint of it.and i wont accept his way for showing it just because he is a boy.right now i just have anxiety what the boys would do if they come across together i think it would be weird and awkward.i hope at least see them as five in my dreams.
If the fan account is true, then isn't it that baby and jm was in a sense tricked into signing the contract? Wouldn't the five of them have discussed it beforehand in meetings and stuff? & if its true, then dsp's really kind of silly. ss501's one of their only few idol groups, and probably the one which brings in the most money. Breaking them up would mean less income immediately! and losing three talents whom they had invested time and money in to groom, what did they have to gain?
Its believable that hj used himself to 'threaten' dsp...he's caring and pays attention to details, just that he does not show it. and it wouldn't be just hj, i believe that all the members would have jumped at dsp if dsp really had plans to rid of ss501's sweet and kind centre. The fan account sounds convincing, but unreliable. it would probably explain why jm&baby went to tw while ys said that he couldn't go cuz of 'reasons that only adults need to know'. but why would jm tell a fan about their contract issues? these are confidential and sensitive issues that are not usually disclosed to public. its not as if he wouldn't have expected it to be spread over the internet almost immediately after he told the fan. i doubt he'd do something like that.
after comparing the efficiency of keyeast and dsp, i think its high time for the members to move on. they've given dsp their priority, but if the former isn't all that keen in wanting them back, then its time they found a company that can bring their indivdual and group careers to greater heights!
6 more months to next year. and if they are really making a comeback next year, i'm gonna go crazy waiting! love their dorky moments together
yg looks out for solid talent and not looks...i love kyu, but i just don't think that he fits in the yg image. But i'm not gonna speculate. Wait to hear from them soon. hwaiting <3!!
3:31am anonymous,
yes, hjl is one lovely character who's often misunderstood for being cold and unmoving.
Reading all these comments somehow really comfort me.
They really try their best to keep holding on to others, they deeply care about members.
Even if someday they f**king di***nd, I hope it's because of outside pressure, not their own will.
I love all 5 of them.
I don't really want to add fuels to this already blazing issue, but I can't seem to grasp this article and DSP's response. "Whether they are going on as 4-member group or adding a new member, we have not decided on SS501’s activities yet." Giving this response would imply that the rest of the boys are already back in DSP, and only HJL went his own way. If that was the case, How come DSP hasn't already made the big news like Key East did with HJL? We all know what a big procastinator DSP is, but it just seemed to me that either the person who gave this response just said this in random out of nothing to say, or, this rebuttal was said as it was intended, which was to make HJL look like the traitor.
Pandora ,your theory seem to make sense .You know ,only DSP can put a stop to all these talks floating around .As the oher commentator said,make the formal announcement like what Keyeast did.That is the right thing to do.Professional and businesslike .You do not leave your public in the dark (well,DSP is an expert when it comes to keeping people in the dark).They should tell us who among the SS501 members re contracted with them or put another way who among the SS501 members were offered contracts by DSP.
Unless, KHJ is being made into the whipping boy .
When DSP can truthfully answer who they offered renewal of contracts only then can we make our judgement not when there is total confusion and people have their own interpretation.
This is a very unhealthy speculative exercise on the part of everyone stressing people unnecessarily .
I cant never understand DSPE when it comes to either depending themselves or doing damage control. DSP just not trustworthy, a week or so ago they said they were gonna release the boys LMBTO MV. A Week has passed and no MV, and now they saying the boys are resting. Come on! The Boys stop their activities two weeks ago, but thier contract expire week earlier, but still they didnt renewed their contracts. We can tell that the boys are hungry for more activities and wanted to promote longer but due to some unknown reasons contracts werent' renewed. Only reason i chose to believe this rumor must be true is because DSP is making stupid excuses of vacating, and YS & KKJ didnt joined the other two to go Taiwa. I just wish DSP will come out with a clear statement within a week or so to stop confusion.
im sorry but i dont believe the story where it says that HJ signs the contract to protect his donsaeng..but it is not mean that i hate him ,but just a little upset about him continue his work without the 4 of confuse between hate and love..
Sigh... I'm really trying to stay calm and quiet amid the chaos but comments from fellow triple S are seriously pissing me off... (DEEP BREATH)
I gather that some triples really want all 5 of them to stop all work and simply wait while DSP takes its own sweet time to draft, discuss, word, vet, amend, blah blah blah a renewal of their contracts which had already expired over 3 weeks' back!
To some,
What is another 6 months when they have practically stopped working since end of 2009 right?
How dare Leader leave DSP, even though it is horrible in planning, marketing, management, etc. but most unforgivably has failed to protect him during the birthday incident.
Leader is named a traitor even though none of the members are currently contracted to DSP.
Leader, the same one who has paid personally for the rights of a song during LLT when DSP was short of cash, is called selfish, for not waiting with the rest with no end and pay in sight.
Sorry for venting here BUT
Where is the belief?
Where is the faith?
Isn't Leader not part of SS501?
Isn't he to be given the benefit of the doubt until the fates of other 4 are confirmed?
I am worried about the other 4 as well BUT
Is it Leader's fault that DSP is procrastinating as usual?
Is it Leader's fault that Keyeast is fast and efficient in carrying out their plans?
Chills run through me whenever I see Triple S bashing Leader...
What has happened to all of us?
im so agree with anonymous 11.50PM
People tend to look for hyun joong fault but never appreciate whatever good deal he had done before..
i just hope hyun joong strong enough to overcome this problem ... Park yong ha suicide make me worry even more for hyun joong ..
plz stop blaming him for leaving dsp ... he has right to make his own decision ..
long life to my lovely hyun matter what i will always support you ...
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