Tuesday, October 12, 2010

30s New Samsung Card CF

Saw this posted on SS601.com from the post of somo. Thanks to iMissChievous for uploading this on her YT Channel


Anonymous said...

what a refreshing bright day to endorse a product on a bridge .Way to go Hyun Joong !

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute! I love how he embraced the bill/letter to his heart. He made it looks so romantic and sweet.

fellyz said...

this vid has been removed as per request from the company who incharge Samsung card ads making.
I did upload the vid on my own youtube channel, but this morning I got email notice from one of the staff, asking to delete the video, due to the CF hasn't finalize.
Liezle, if you know the admin of SS601 who upload the vid, please request them to delete too. Thanks

Here's the content of the mail I received :
Thank you for your interest for SS501, especially Hyunjoong Kim.

I"m the Account Executive in Cheil Worldwide who plan to shoot and charge the ads which you just upload yesterday in Youtube, Samsung card.

I don't know where you got that file, but it's not the final version of ads and even client doesn't decide to publice or not.
So, it shouldn't be open to mass yet!

I'm officially requesting you taking off "the SS501 Kim Hyun Joong -Samsung Card Super S CF "
Please, get rid of that file. It's really making problem in this business.

If u accept our request, we gonna send to you final version of that commercial soon.

You're really fan of Hyunjoong Kim, you don't want him to be in trouble, right? Please, get rid of that CF.

If u have any question or send some feedback, use my facebook or call with my signature number.


Hyungjin Kim
Crossover manager
Email: jkjin.kim@samsung.com
Phone: +82-2-3014-6519
Cell: +82-10-4202-6446
Cheilworld wide

liezle said...

Hi fellyz! I tweeted this just after you sent posted your comment. I hope everyone who posted and uploaded will take it down.



fellyz said...

Thanks for your help, liezle ^^