As far as I remember, whenever going to Taiwan or any other countries alone, JM never fails to shop, right? Wonder what's he buying in this photos.
Jung Min looks cool in polo shirt. ^^

And here's a vid uploaded by yinglisa5387 in YT.
This is my nook. A place where I want to share my hankering for Bae Yong Joon, my passion for SS501 [Kim Hyun Joong, Heo Young Saeng, Park Jung Min, Kim Kyu Jong, Kim Hyung Joon] and my wanting to know more about many other Korean artists. ^^
what's with JM's makeup these days. The heavy eye liner does not enhance his features at all.
At first I thought the heavy eyeliner was because of the press conf, but apparently it's his new everyday look now. I don't think it's a good idea if you are not part of a rock or heavy metal band. And with his personality, he should change his stylist ASAP or non-fan are going to call him a drag queen.
I love Jung Min. I really do but without the other members for him to bounce his strong and flamboyant personality off of, I am just not feeling the same...what's the word I am looking for...charisma maybe. I don't know I can't explain it. It doesn't matter anyway because I will still fully support him.
@anonymous 4:20pm. I agree with you. In the pics, he is just out and about shopping so there is really no reason to put on any makeup. Even if he came from a press con, he could have removed the makeup before going shopping. He does look like a drag queen. But then again, of the 5 boys, he is the one the really puts on a lot of make-up.
Agreed with everyone above. JM needs to tone down his make-up a bit. He's naturally good looking already.
With that kind of makeup, it feels like he will cross-dress anytime..
Completely disagree with the comments about him wearing too much make-up. Much as I love the natural look on him, I think his new make-up style is very sexy. Reminiscent of 80s rock mixed with goth. Provided he's comfortable and likes what he sees in the mirror, I'm happy too.
Couldn't give a toss what non-fans think of his appearance.
geez, why so much negative reaction to JM's look this trip? XP yes, he's obviously wearing make-up, but i wouldn't go so far to say that he looks like a cross-dresser. -_-;;
maybe it's because the make-up isn't for a shoot or performance, so people find it weird as an everyday look? i think he's just trying to make a strong impression, which is important when first entering new markets. i don't know about Taiwan, but i think glam guys are more common in Japan, so it matched. plus, the foreign media didn't have anything to say about it. *shrug*
frankly, i think his metrosexual look is hot, but i'm also looking forward to when he shows his cute, natural look, too. this is just the beginning. he'll have many opportunities in the future to show his many different sides to love. ^^
With that makeup, I sure hope he's not comfortable and like what he sees in the mirror. If he does, he's delusional. The gothic look is one thing but to look like a drag queen is yuk!
I dont agree! I love his style here! He looks always so attractive to me! Looking forward to see more new styles!;)
He's trying to make an impression? What sort of impression? A negative one I must say. A glam look? U sure redefined the meaning of glam look. Agree he'll have opportunities to show his natural look? But where? In the bathroom. I know I know, I'm sarcastic. Just being honest. He's makeup does not suit him. The whole sexy charisma that he had totally vanished. Like some say, he looks like a cross-dresser. I agree. Snap out of it JM! You are trying too hard!
Oh geez, I hope some of my visitors will go easy on their words regardless who the member they're talking about.
I would say that Jung Min's make up is okay. It's not the first time we've seen him with eyeliner. He can carry eyeliner pretty well. And with our without the eyeliner, he looks good. I like it that he's not afraid to try new style.
I agree with everything words-that-stay & Anonymous (@12:56AM) has said.
I know most of you are unhappy with his makeup and whatnot, but is it really necessary to say that he looks like a drag queen? Well I guess it's what each persons sees, but I don't think it was necessary to comment on his looks like that.
I personally don't think he looks like a cross-dresser or drag queen at all, I think he looks mature and hot in it. ♥
Really, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
& Thanks for posting liezle! :)
well..haters gonna hate XD
I'm one of those who think he loos sexy in this look, I prefer him in natural look, 'cause he's alredy very handsome but I also like how he can carry differents looks...
And I dont think the media and the fans in taiwan complaint at all about his look :D didnt you guys see the reports? he received many many many love from fans...his popularity is increasing day by day..
I am anonymous 5:23 PM and I was in no way hating on Jung Min! As I said I love Jung Min and will fully support him. I just miss his interaction with the other members. I feel that is where he really shines, when he is with them. Don't care about his make-up. He has always worn a lot of make-up. Those above don't like it and I guess they have a right to say so and yes I suppose they could use some better words to express that dislike but I just say ok fine, whatever and move on. Anyway the point is that I just wanted to make it very clear that I was NOT hating on Jung Min!
Anonymous @1.09AM
Who's trying too hard?
People like you out there who is trying to put Jung Min down with your words yeah? 2 words for you, TRY HARDER :)
Apparently, it does seems that (from 0:18 onwards) Jung Min went shopping right after the press conference.
Sure, he could have remove all that thick make-up on him & do another one like all over again, if he had the time, that is. Think, people, think.
...talking about something else..does anyone understand what happened with that fan at the end of the vid?
Woaaaah... why so hansome?? Just to make me falling in love more and more right? xD
Guy he IS a handsome man, don't matter what he wears!! Well, I need to confess that I have a deep fascination for him using this style, he looks really gorgeous with polo shirt, it really suits him! And i loooove when he puts his hair that way, he looks more mature... just irresistible!! ♥.♥
Thank you so much for post the photos here!!
@anonymous 1:57am 2 words for you- SORE LOSER!!
Good grief people! To each their own! If you don't like his look, well then, more power to you and if you like his look, well then, more power to you too, but geez just take a chill pill will ya! No use arguing about it. Just enjoy all the wonderful things our lovely liezle gives us!
'Don't judge a book by its cover'.Only immature people do that. despite the negative remarks i still like him. One main reason is because he treats his fans so well and he never fail to smile at them. By the way, there are many normal looking guys who are closet 'queens'.
LOL!!.. are we starting a new war on JM's makeup?
With his personality and preference, there's no surprise to see him to have lots of make up on. He always does anyway. It's just him alright. Maybe, it's what he wants and like to do. I don't really care which way he swings to. Drag queen or drama queen, it's just personaly opinions and preferences.
I don't like him with that much makeup, but if that what he like. Then let it be.
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