Read all his tweets tonight as translated by xiaochu @ Quainte501. Btw, xiaochu left out the Japanese text as I believe she's waiting for someone to do it.
Woot! Woot! Kyu Jong has been tweeting English since last night! He again tweeted to Sean Alexander today in English... twice today. Check them out!
[Trans] 12.21.10 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English translation by xiaochu @
2010-12-21 @ 9:45am
@2kjdream @Steven_Lee_ Good Morning!! steven^^!! miss u ma bro ¤Ð Even now i want to go L.A!!!!!!!!!
[liezle : KJ tweeted in English!]
2010-12-21 @ 10:18am
2kjdream I wanna learn Eng ..!! but eng is soooo difficult!! plz tell me eng!! know!! ^^ KOREA is cold.. upcoming Christmas!! merry christmas~~^^
2010-12-21 @ 10:37am
seanalexander23 @2kjdream 2kjdreamhaha it's still raining! Where is that sun you sent? Maybe it's stuck in the mail. smile.gif I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
2010-12-21 @ 10:45am
2kjdream @seanalexander23 haha ^^ sun is verry slow..... ^^ i hope u too!! merrychristmas~~ ^^ see u in L.A !!!~
[liezle : KJ tweeted in English again!]

2010-12-21 @ 11:59am
HyungJun87 @orangeheejin What is this!! This is not the result I have wished for!
2010-12-21 @ 5:38pm
HyungJun87 Just for today only! Special Christmas & New Year Event has started. Please write in the official homepage about the wish that you must accomplish in the new year 2011!
2010-12-21 @ 5:39pm
my7chan RT @HyungJun87: Just for today only! Special Christmas & New Year Event has started. Please write in the official homepage about the wish that you must accomplish in the new year 2011!
2010-12-21 @ 8:17pm
my7chan Taking time off the busy schedule... Over here is Bulgogi XXXX, will eat it well^^
2010-12-21 @ 9:26pm
JungMin0403 @gyuri88 When doing with oppa, 'Please also listen to ShimShimTaPa'!! Should have done that too!!!^^ Thank you for the one week~~!!^^ Tell Dong that (i will be doing) surprise attack!!
*in reply to =gyuri88= (2010-12-21 @ 12:09am) ShimShimTaPa with Dong oppa who returned after a week!! It has started, please listen to 95.9~
2010-12-21 @ 9:26pm
zakkykim @JungMin0403 Let's meet let's meet!! @gyuri88
2010-12-21 @ 9:31pm
JungMin0403 サイン会が 終わって、今 大阪に 新幹線乗って 行ってます!!(^人^)サイン会に 来て くれた 皆!!!ありがとう(^ー^)ノ大阪の 皆!!!マッテロウ!!!!

2010-12-21 @ 9:33pm
JungMin0403 今日の 一言!!!! 肋骨が 折れるほど 抱きしめてやる!!!(*☻-☻*)
2010-12-21 @ 9:41pm
JungMin0403一生厳命 仕事してる トモちゃんと 寝てる…ていうか、死んでるていうかの ランカちゃん!!!(~_~;)

2010-12-21 @ 9:43pm
gyuri88 @JungMin0403 heeheehee I forgot about that TT hee Oppa is going to Japan~?^^ When are you coming back~
2010-12-21 @ 9:50pm
JungMin0403 ハズれた人には 自分の手か わからなくなるように!(^∇^)
2010-12-21 @ 9:53pm
JungMin0403 @gyuri88 Ung!! I'm in Japan^^ Keep it up and do well for the radio, let's meet even in Japan^^ You're so busy so should take care of your health~!^^ Strength !!!
2010-12-21 @ 10:02pm
gyuri88 @JungMin0403 Thanks oppa~^^* Will do well for the schedule and oppa must also take care of your health too~! heehee Hwaiting!
2010-12-21 @ 10:11pm
JungMin0403 @WarrenBONBOO Hyung ah ya!!! How is the conference for Korea fan meeting???^.^*
2010-12-21 @ 10:12pm
JungMin0403 @Steven_Lee_ Hyung ah ya!!!^^ I wrote 'I followed you!!!' TT TT it was in my draft TT TT I written that long ago!!^^ Miss you ^^ Miss you
2010-12-21 @ 10:13pm
JungMin0403 @2kjdream You are near to gorilla sleep.gif+
*that's in reply to KyuJong who laughed at him about carrot cake
2010-12-21 @ 10:17pm
JungMin0403 @HyungJun87 It is not a lie alright? Gave my mother and sister the tickets and they went to watch your musical!!^^ Full of praises!!
*this is in reply to HyungJun who said he has given out the free tix to someone else and asked if he should lie..
2010-12-21 @ 10:18pm
WarrenBONBOO @JungMin0403 Have you made a comeback? I did well because you showed concern for it!!
2010-12-21 @ 10:18pm
JungMin0403 @Moonjunwon Yah, there is no reply when you start conversation by discretely asking people to treat meals??
2010-12-21 @ 10:19pm
JungMin0403 @WarrenBONBOO Hyung, comeback is in January!!^^* I'm happy since we're doing it together! I pestered (them) that I want to do with hyung~^^
2010-12-21 @ 10:21pm
WarrenBONBOO @JungMin0403 Yea, I heard about it even if you didn't tell me! Will go with DongDongJu~~ Thankyou~~
2010-12-21 @ 11:18pm
JungMin0403 ここ大阪やん!!!

2010-12-21 @ 11:57pm
zerotic0124 @HyungJun87 Are you living well,,kekeke
i love KJ's cute!!
When Kyu's English tweets appeared on my twitter timeline, it made me so happy.
Happy that he's learning English! Hope the rest of the members'll learn it too. Btw, who's Sean Alexander? Sounds familiar though. LOL! I know I'm such an ignoramus!!!
hehehe mal must really be bored on the bullet train - love to read his tweets - lively - very mal
How can you don't love a boy like Kyu, learning eng & other stuff like acting, so hard working & sweet, hope some day Kyu can talk with TS in Eng too!!!!!
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