Geez, would you believe that they were here for five (5) days! Yes five days! From December 13 to December 18! Some of the Korean fan clubs know about this but this but they didn't post photos until today. Here's a set of photos from Amorino taken on December 13 when they left and December 18 when they returned.
If you remember, Kyu Jong and Young Saeng arrived from Bangkok on the 13th of December. They took the midnight flight from Bangkok to Incheon. On the same day (13th) they left for the Philippines, though not sure if they took the t last flight out to Cebu.
So the mystery is out. No wonder they weren't tweeting for the past days after they returned to Seoul because they were out on a secret trip which I strongly believe is for the DVD they are releasing in Japan.
Anyway, thanks to Sudal for the information and for shoving the photos from Amorino in my inbox.

these two are really well protected by Korean TS..reminds me of the time they went to USA..we only found out when they are on their way back already! funny that we knew it earlier this time because of YS himself! haha..
gosh! they were here for 5 days! really surprising... so.. that was what happened! tskk... if only we have known.. haha..
anyways,i hoped they had fun and enjoyed their stay! ^_^
now i'm curious where they filmed! an interesting secret!^_^
Korean TS didnt want fans to go and look for them mayb! There would have been chaos!lol But glad we got to know this from YS and KJ themselves!^^
the amount of love behind the protectiveness of korean ts over these two princes it's incredible
i'm sure korean TS keep it as a secret because they wanna be the only one who meet them.
if they don't want them to be stalked why do they always stalked them at the airport and everywhere else they go.
i really wonder how they always know about when they flying to inofficial dates.
i think it's really selfish of them!!!
because in my opinion it's not to protect them, it's to keep them away from other fans!
in all fairness to KR TS, i don't think that they want to keep the info for themselves. i believe that they were told not to share info bec the trip is supposed to be a secret trip. probably the team wouldn't want to be disturbed while filming. ys tweeted about them in the phils when they're only about to shoot few more scenes and only 2 days left in their stay.
this kind of thing didn't happen just now but in some trips as well. one i particularly remember was when hjl went to kl for the dvd filming too. only few knows about this but kept it as a secret. there's also when jm went to taiwan.
also from what i know, if the schedule in not on the official calendar but fans know that they'll be at the airport, kr fans take this as a private/secret trip and they respect this little getaway by not announcing even to their fc but would only expose when the trip is over.
hope this will somehow enlighten some of you why there are some trips that have to be kept unannounced.
Nicely said Liezle.. :)
I liked how kr fans do respect the boys & allow them to have some privacy/secrets when its necessary. From YS's tweets, seems that they had a lot of fun, swimming & such.
i guess we are just spoiled by the vids/news/pic of their activities shared to us by so many eager fans that this little getaway in the Phils and its secrecy is seen as being selfish by some.... the members need some private time with themselves as well, and they really do not need to share their whereabouts to anyone except to their loved ones... also there is a difference between official business trip and personal private trip.... is this understood
I agreed with liezle...itsn't a fair for us to judge the KR triple S as selfish or something else...
Sometimes, they have to keep its secret to protect and respect the boys privacy....
During this time, i think we should appreciate KR TS effort to keep oversea fans update by their vid and fcs sharing...
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