[Trans] 12.26.10 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English trans courtesy of xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
2010-12-26 @ 12:50am
JungMin0403 I think the flower pot is freezing to death so it came in...Found it somehow strange...Mum TT TT You've gone too far TT TT TT TT TT TT
2010-12-26 @ 12:50am
JungMin0403 The balance of a cup of coffee and hot ice-cream~hmm! http://yfrog.com/h8ty0wj

2010-12-26 @ 12:52am
JungMin0403 Think it's freezing to death so the flower pot was brought inside...Mum...this is not the way TT TT http://yfrog.com/h7dshij

2010-12-26 @ 2:37pm
ukissSH RT @HnBcompany: Merry Christmas!! With Piropiro today too~! Merry Christmas with PIROPIRO ~! #PIROPIRO http://twitpic.com/3jclz3

2010-12-26 @ 3:32pm
mystyle1103 @_sweethara I saw the broadcast now keke Congratulations!!!!!!!
*in reply to =sweethara= (2010-12-26 @ 3:29am) :
And I hope that Village Head will strive on even though it is a great pain that the house got burnt down, received the award representing G7and on behalf of all the staffs, I will always be the humble and hardworking Hara Gu here and in the future
2010-12-26 @ 3:36pm
u_kisseli @HnBcompany !!!!!!!!!!! PIROPIRO!!! everyone please buy! hehe so kibum hyoung can buy us some goooood food~ hehehe
2010-12-26 @ 4:17pm
_sweethara Hehe~ Thank you oppa ^^ How have you been~ Please be careful of catching the flu^^!
2010-12-26 @ 4:31pm
Actor_ParkJiBin @mystyle1103 Did you spent Christmas well, hyung? heehee
2010-12-26 @ 5:19pm
mystyle1103 @Actor_ParkJiBin It's tiring TT TT
2010-12-26 @ 5:41pm
Actor_ParkJiBin @mystyle1103 Why keke What were you doing that is tiring heehee
2010-12-26 @ 8:25pm
HyungJun87 ^^
2010-12-26 @ 8:38pm
jjjjjin2yo @HyungJun87 Have an enjoyable year end kekeke
2010-12-26 @ 9:04pm
HyungJun87 @jjjjjin2yo hahahaha,, TT-TT
2010-12-26 @ 9:08pm
jjjjjin2yo @HyungJun87 Don't cry mum TT because I can relate to that feeling ke
2010-12-26 @ 9:21pm
HyungJun87 @jjjjjin2yo ㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠㅡㅠ
2010-12-26 @ 9:29pm
jjjjjin2yo @HyungJun87 Handsome Kim HyungJun-ah don't cry ^-^
2010-12-26 @ 9:36pm
HyungJun87 @jjjjjin2yo I have always been handsome
2010-12-26 @ 9:42pm
jjjjjin2yo @HyungJun87 kekekekekekeke Excellent keke
am wondering what made him tired... must be he's under the weather
am also curious if he spent xmas with khj and friends as shared by him before
off topic: has anyone seen Kim Hyung Joon as a rebellious rich son last December 24, 2010 :: Ep 4 'Black City' (Hyung Jun) @ 1pm KST
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