Tuesday, January 01, 2013

[Vid] Hyun Joong Back in SK from Nanjing 01.01.13

Hyun Joong is back in S Korea from Nanjing today via Incheon Airport and was welcomed by fans.

From the tweets that I read, it seems that the crowd went overboard when they tried to get too close to Hyun Joong trying to see him, giving gift and taking photos. It was even said that his bodyguards was telling fans fiercely to stop.

Here is a video from Incheon uploaded by Sarah860606 of www.kimhyunjoong24.com in YouTube.

Please DO NOT edit and/or re-upload video in any other streaming sites including YouTube.

Thanks to veggiedelight for the tip!


Anonymous said...

I heard there were so many oberseas fans today. It's different from usual AP.

Anonymous said...

Whoever they are they shouldn't be hounding him that way, scaring the heck out of him! Couldn't they give him some space instead of crowding him like that? Don't they know that he is actually fearful of crowds? Poor guy! The price of being too popular? But still, the behaviour of the fans is unacceptable, I feel <<<