Then while doing my usual rounds, I saw the translation in cagali's blog [SS501UFO]. I hope that cagali won't mind again if I share her translation her once more. ^_^ Much thanks cagali!
20090923 Music High Fraud Case
Credit: SS501's music high + (Chinese translation) Elsa菜@doubles501.com + (English translation) SS501UFO.blogspot.com
Please repost with full credit.
In 23 Sept 2009's Music High
Today I feel a little happiness. Emm...... actually it is nothing much.
In the morning, suddenly got a call from our manager hyung.
He sounded very urgent. With very anxious voice he said:
"Hyung Joong ah! Kyu Jong is not feeling well!"
Suddenly heard that my team mate was sick.
And it is not any other person, it is Kyu Jong falling sick. Errr.....
This is why I was shocked once hearing this news.
"Ah..... Is it true....?" (Crying tone.... TT_TT)
Because I was too sad, my emotion suddenly welled up...
No matter what he is our team mate ah, a team mate who is like a brother is sick now, my tears started to flow out.
Therefore, I cried....
Really very very sad. Ah.... something serious has happened.... I am thinking in this way...
They said they bluffed me! Once again, I was cheated again.... I am really....
Ah... When I think of that time it was a bit.... Em....~
Our president, manager hyung and Kyu Jong,
all 3 of them discuss together to bluff me!!!
This three person did so. All three of them together.
Kyu Jong ah, No matter how I think it couldn't be you!!!
I have never thought that the President would also do this.
Our president... I hate you. Wuuwuuu...
Was really shocked. After knowing that I was cheated, I cried for awhile.
From this I know my real team mate, I can feel how precious SS501 members are to me.
Especially today when they said something like this about Kyu Jong ssi,
I am even more aware of the preciousness of Kyu Jong ssi.^^
They've made fun of Maknae again and he has shown his sensitivity once more. Ahh, poor Baby cried. He cried first because he got worried, then upon learning that he's been fooled, he cried again because of anger. He tricked them! I wish I've seen this. ^^ Anyway, but the joke made him realized that how precious each member of SS501 to him especially Kyu Jong.
This joke on Maknae happened on Wednesday I just don't have any idea whether it was before or after the live broadcast of 'Music High'.
Anyway, during the live broadcast of 'Music High', Maknae played Kara's 'Wanna' and he joined in the singing which is soooooo cute! I found a link in Baidu and I'm sharing it here.
Ahh, I can picture him clearly in my mind singing inside the booth. ^_^
Click HERE to listen to Maknae singing Kara's 'Wanna'.
i got shocked when i heard kyujong sick! omg i got tricked too! hahahahahaha! thank god its a joke! HAHAHA baby is such a cute baby lol
haha, liezle! Why do they like to trick him so much? LOL. And love baby's version of the lyrics.. if only it was a radio show, it'd be fun to see his expressions. haha! and i can imagine him singing it too. ^^
*runs off to find 090923's Music High full version*
baby is just so....sweet. :) to be genuinely worried for kyu jong! :) i saw a youtube clip before.. in the clip brian was saying he likes ss501 esp hyung joon because he gets upset/emotional easily, and he's a dear.
i absolutely agree with brian!! :)
owww, HJB, fooled again by his hyungs!... i guess the reason why his hyungs pull a prank on him is because he is naive and gullible, tsk,tsk...
i enjoyed listening to HJB singing together with his dongsaengs and imagining that he'd make those cute funny expressions....but really, does the lyrics really say "Kim Hyung Joon saranghae" ? (A)
Omo Baby is soo cute and gullible! If i were his hyungs I would keep playing pranks on him cos he will be fooled every time :P Anyway is he singing Kim Hyung Jun or Kim Hyun Joong saranghae? I can never tell this two apart in pronounciation!
Argh.. they always cheat poor baby's feeling. Kyu also noty huh...
Poor baby, nvm noona is here... u can take my shoulder to cry on.
Thanks Liezle
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