Monday, March 15, 2010

New Samsung Credit Card 'Why Not' Cf

Much thanks again to 3kimheoparkss501 for uploading on YT.

I really like Hyun Joong's chubby cheeks on the Samsung Card CFs. I really think that he's getting meatier. Hmm, could this have something to do their upcoming album? They said that they've to have good body, right? And in order to have a toned muscles SS501 members should gain weight for the muscles to develop well.


quizzy said...

weeee.. yes he is gaining weight...
are we expecting for a full jjitSS501?! keke... excited for the upcoming 501 days...

thanks liezle!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Samsung card sure has unit commercial. Leader's hair is getting really long. I hope he gain back all his weight and keeps it stable. He looked a lot healthier back then

Anonymous said...

If he is really getting more cheeks , more muscles,healthier body all for the better . He can keep his hair long or short doesn't matter -he carries any style really good anyway. Hope he gets more assignments without compromising his health again