Thursday, October 14, 2010

[Trans] Baek Seung Jo's Diary #11

What to know what is in Baek Seung Jo's mind when Oh HaNi went out on a date? Check out reena29shadows latest diary translation of B aek Seung Jo.

Much thanks once again reena29shadow and hl2412 for bringing us this translation though their in vacation.

Please DO NOT hotlink images as I only used ImageShack to host. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

HaHaHaHaHa, Sun Jo ah, you are really funny and different... so now you feel jealous, eh...good for you. you are most of the time smug towards OHn, but a little competition from a sunbae annoys you especially when sunbae's hands are "fast"

thank you so much reena and liezle. the diary entries sheds light and makes me appreciate more the characters' hidden thoughts.

i have a question though, in end part of ep 12, there was a sneak scene for ep13 showing a smiling BSJ wearing a lavender shirt holding a racket, but i've seen ep 13 already but no such scene, was this omitted

sorry for the long post

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing, reena29shadow & hl2412 & liezle! much appreciated!

hehe seung jo is acting like a caveman, but the jealousy is still cute. ^^ i like that this mentioned he consciously wore the shirt she picked out. :)