Btw, thanks to iamsom of the tweet.
Kim Hyun-joong said, "Marriage? I gotta wait for 10 years"
Source : ( Korean )
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“Wedding plan has to be delayed about 10 years.”
Actor/Singer Kim Hyun-joong revealed his thought about marriage.
Many people think about themselves after 10 or 20 years. Kim Hyun-joong is not that different.
Kim Hyun-joong said, “Actually, I thought I could get married well before 30's. Right now I don't have any girlfriend nor time for any romance, so my plan would not be successful.”
Kim Hyun-joong will be 26 years old in 2011. He just finished the shooting of 'Naughty Kiss', but has another foreign promotion schedule as well as album recording in May.”
He added, “I also have to go to army and go back to drama/movie to establish a solid foothold as an actor. When those plans are all done, I will be about 35 years old so I may get married when I'm 40.”
poor guy...
are you kidding KHJ another 10 or 2o yrs my GOD!!! HOW ABOUT YR2012 we are waiting for this bis event.........
i know about the plans for wide overseas promotion for PK starting soon, but this is the first i'm hearing of him recording an album in May..? didn't he say he would have a solo album "soon"? so does that mean the May recording is for SS501's album?!? :O i hope so!
also, i hope HJL, and all the members, can have time for happy love lives. =/ i want them to be the happiest!
I think the May date is referring to his solo album, not with SS501.
like the way he puts it so plainly that he has no girlfriend nor time for romance.... there goes all the ships sailing in hope....
ahhh.... so looking forward to his solo album. wonder what style he plans to showcase.
Even if he has a GF, or will have one, isn't the scandal gonna cause him mishap? Look at other idols who have suffered when they confessed or were caught in a scandal, don't think he wants that. I think that's why most celebrities just keep mum about things, it seems it's a lose situation.
There is chances for those ajuma fans to become his mother-in-law in future.
wow...that's a different way to see what love is, it's not the thing you expect...that's why i love him so much?
He wants to enjoy first this, and then have all the time for the special
ps: army???!! omg...
I don't think he lies about not having gf right now. Poor guy doesn't even have time to sleep properly! Please stop twisting his words from "no" to "yes".
agree with anony 3:54 PM
all those shippers please stop twisting his words !
This is not a novel or fiction...its HIS LIFE !
Please respect that
Ugh, it hurts to read this.:(
Poor day I really hope he finds that special someone who'll support him whether he wants to stay at home or go all over the world...someone who has a great heart and can reflect all the love and affection back to him. (Someone who's willing to understand his dislike for PDA lol)
Oh man this makes me sad so early in the morning already.
He3..i did remember last time leader did mention he will get married before 30 coz after 30 it's already became uncle..i guess that time leader didn't realise he is a idol ^_^
i'll be waiting for you Leader..
Hyun Joong ah, I hope that Cupid will start shooting arrows at you and make you fall deeply in love soon. Please don't waste those "beautiful & superior" genes and have healthy kids while you are young ...
even if he is an ahjussi, he'd still be looking hot, hey, BYJ is still single and nearing 40 but he's still looking gorgeous
when HJL speaks, he speaks frankly and simply, when he says he has no girl right now, then i believe him... but he did not say he's not seeing anyone, its kinda different, being single and going out to single but with a steady...kekeke
solo album out in May 2011, he's going to be 26, then military service. i hope the group activity will materialize before all major things occur
thanks for sharing leader's inner thoughts^^
Hyun Joong Ssi, Annyeonghaseyo. Mianhae, I asked Cupid to shoot arrows of love at you not ROCKETS! I take it back, no more shooting anything at you ... mianhae!
LOL Joyce you are so funny ! don't blast HJ to kingdom come .
Hj is saying this and that but who knows he just might surprise all of us one day ! In the meantime, enjoy his singlehood ok,at least he can do all what he planned for for his career.
As far as his beautiful and superior genes are concerned don't worry you are going to see his descendants in your lifetime. kekeke
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