From what she blogged, she mentioned that Jung Min will be appearing on her show at RainbowTownFM 79.2 from 20:00 to 21:00 tonight! So if you are interested to listen you may check this URLs out...
[Trans] Meeting Jung Min by DJ Cristy
brief trans by rin_pochi
From 9pm, please stay in front of your PC!!
My program is ready for Ustream, you can see from all over the world!
Today I interview Mr,Park JungMin from SS501 who has been visiting Japan
for his musical.
(Introduce SS501 with HJL)
The musical that JungMin is participating is "Kizuna".
To my surprise, there were sooooo many flowers.
I couldn't stop asking myself if JM is main actor or not!
I felt fan's passionate Love so much!! I was so touched!!!
As he has so many passionate fans, it means he is so great person, right?
I was waiting for JM appearance but the rehearsal had been behind the schedule...
Could I meet JM!?
Waiting waiting with anxious turn came at last!!!
Staff led me to the dressing room!!!
JungMin turned out!!!!
soooooooo hot!!!!!!!
He radiates an aura which is very different from the others!!!
And he has friendly smile!!!!
He deserves NO.1 idol!!!
As other Korean stars, he held my shoulder!
I want Japanese actors to imitate this kind of behavior...
Because we researched what to ask from fans yesterday, we could get great interview!!
Now interviewing!
He spoke Japanese very fluently as if he didn't need interpreter at all!
Thanks to him, I could do my job very smoothly and enjoyable!!
He not only answerd my questions but also he replied with funny jokes!!!
He has cool appearance with funny joke ability!?
It's perfect!!!!Am I right!?
(discribing how cool he was)
I offered him to give autograph 3 sheets.
He was kind enough to sign all of the sheets!!
I also asked him to written something in Japanese, different phrase.
Which is I learned the method from U-kiss interview lol
Look!! How hard he tried to sign the autograph!!
Thank you so much!!!!
And during the interview, he sang a song~~~!!!
Before I met him, I asked his manager if I could ask JM to ask sing a song.
The manager answered me it depends on his moods.
I know I know that's right.
After his rehearsal, he must have tired out...
You can see how it went with radio program^ ^
At the end...Thank you so much JungMin-ssi!!!
Please come to our studio to give us that fan service!!!!
Thank you very much!!!!
Rainbow town FM
Time:8pm-9pm(JP Time) every Friday live broadcast
Here are more photos of Jung Min from Cristy's Blog.

I like him here!! Looks so manly, the great combination of simple, short black hair with basic white tee!!
Jungmin totally rocks it out!!
thank you for sharing the translation!
lol DJ Cristy is totally fangirling, it's great. XD who wouldn't, right? JM<3
i love the pics! feels like forever since we've seen JM's fine figure (and those legs!) and that smile of performing. ^^
Love Jung Min's smile..... :-)
I miss seeing Jung Min performing on stage :)
i saw the flower sent by DSP media Japan, so happy to see them still keep close relationship with DSP.
Go Mal Go!
from the pictures, i can't help but not admire Park Jun Min some more and see him in another light....he has become a better person and great performer!
His so hansome and manly here. <3
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