For the meantime, while we wait for the HQ pix from 501_dg let me share with you the some stuff tweeted by DrMyStar. Actually she has been tweeting since Jung left Japan but they're in Japanese and I could only understand when I use only translation. But basically she tells stories about the musical and JM as well [she seems so fond of him]. In her tweet tonight, she shared a photo, which she calls a souvenir photo and a video of Jung Min with 4 of the handsome actors from the musical. Here's the photo...

Here's the video...
vid lifted from
If you cannot view the video you may click HERE to watch the video.
Because of Jungmin's height, the other 4 look like the students. hahahaha! Well, I don't understand but good to see Jungmin being ever so friendly and cute <3
yup, tall, friendly, cute, pretty much sums it up. ^^ glad he had a good time. thx for sharing.
hehehe mal truly stands out wherever he goes...good looks..fantastic fan service...cheerful smile...amazing vocal...charisma...height...remarkable work ethics...i can go on and on...
love ya mal darling, your hardwork will defintely pay at the end of the day
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