Today, DrMyStar tweeeted several photos of Jung Min and the food they're all feasting which came from fans. Likewise, she also tweeted a photo of Jung Min with a cake which I believe was given to Jung Min inside his dressing room. Not sure thought if the cake came from the fans or from the staff as DrMyStar tweeted that she delivered the cake to him.
Following are the photos from today's tweets of DrMyStar.

Btw, earlier DrMyStar tweeted that Jung Min's supposed to go back to Korea today, but because of the current situation his return will be postponed. I'll check later if this status still remains the same.
wow the Japanese snacks and cake look so cute and yummy!
and Jung Min in shiny Japanese wear looks so cute and yummy, too! ;D
thanks for sharing.
Just want to post a question... Jung Min is a very handsome man, but why does he always sticks out his tongue in his pictures? Is that supposed to look cute, fun or sexy?
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