Friday, December 03, 2010

[Vid] Hyun Joong signed SS501 HJ

I read this when SGTripleS tweeted this earlier.I was in a meeting and had this wide smile when in made a double take on what was tweeted. Woot! Woot!

Check the video shared by xiaochu of Quainte501 on TwitVid and hear the fans scream when Hyun Joong was explaining what he wrote on the tarpaulin. Thanks xiaochu!

Here are more videos from xiaochu.



Fan's Gift of Hearts


PiggyLazy said...

What did he say?? I wanna know!!! Oh...he is sooooooo gorgeous!

maryho2323 said...

liezle said...

marydewitt thank you for the scanned paper. may i know the source pls? I want to retype and share on a separate post. will definitely credit you of course. thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hi marydewitt,
are you able to share this in LKHJ including the first page of the article? I don't know how to repost the article. ): What he says is so interesting. He is so witty. HJ's charm is just being himself. thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for sharing these vids, xiaochu!
HJL signing "SS501's HJ" made me so so so happy! :D
and he's so cute when he got the origami hearts. "ah~" LOL adorable!