I never thought this one coming since I only saw I set of SS501 photos which I posted
HERE from the presscon and a few from other sites.
Anyway, here is a
Young Saeng spazzz from the presscon. Has anyone seen lots of photos of the rest of the boys from the presscon? If yes please tip me. ^^
Btw, was there any article with regard to the presscon? I haven't seen nor read anything? I want to know what were asked to the boys and of course their answers.
Aright here are the photos. I know some who will get giddy in this post. Thanks to
ale for posting these photos on
SS501 thread @ soompi. Oririnal credit goes to
CCTV.com and
rmdkdl for re-posting somewhere ^^.
Young Saeng with his beautiful dimpled smile.
Love to pinch his chubby cheeks.
I like his tussled hair look. Though I know some are missing his long hair.
Love this photo...handsome. Nice eyebrows, pretty slim nose, and small thin lips.Here are other photos from
CCTV.com. Thanks to one
Anonymous for the tip on the comment box.
The boys are looking good in their attire at the presscon.

Amongst them, only Jung Min has long hair.Omo, he's the only one wearing casual.Geez, is that a belt on Kyu Jong?It is i checked the other photos. ^^
SS501 getting ready for the presscon.
SS501 ready to take questions. p.s and below one is extra photo that i got from khj thread @ soompi courtesy of tom.com