Here's a new set of photos from kimhyunjoon Triple S ss501 that i lifted from Baidu. The smaller photos seem dark. They are in thumbnails so just click on the photo and you'll see a larger version. They're taken well so I suggest that you click each one and never miss any. Exercise your fingers... just click and save... click and save... click and save. ^^

1 comment:
thanks liezle...
i have been catching up all the fast update... there is really a lot... ya..these photos r clear and i did exercise my fingers too..hee..
glad they successfully finished their FM there.. wish one day will come to spore too...
they all look so great and nice...if i going to comments one by one then will be super long comments... all i can say is each member has own unique charm wherever they go and they do..i am sure they gave a lot fun and suprise in this FM too.. hope we can see their this FM session videos from china media or other media news clearly with what they had been talking and having fun with china fans there.. really curious.. sure will give a lot laugher to us as usual..
SS501 Hwaiting to conquer china and then whole world.. over come all difficulities, obstcales to their big dream of world star.. tripleS always with you, SS501! :-)
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