I've just seen all photos from different portals and almost all are the same. Seems that the media were only allowed to take photos for a few minutes inside. Glad that Bloomlion's Team were at the venue to share these wonderful captures. Still waiting for more and from other fanclubs. Hee, I want close up shots. ^^
You may grab these photos BUT PLEASE DO NOT RE-POST ANYWHERE.
Credit: Hyniversal0606@Pantip
working even during Easter .But we know Hyun Joong honors his professional responsibilities.So very like leader.I also like the name HYUNIVERSAL-some people are just creative !Thanks for the photos-keep them coming!I keep kooking forward to these pics even looking at LIezle'blog several times a day
Leader looks healthy. He is gaining some weight. He has a slight double chin or just the angle of the camera.
Liezle, should the tag be Kim hyun joong instead of Kim hyung joon?
@ Anonymous 11:31,
Darn I made that mistake again. Thanks! Already corrected it.
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