Sunday, April 11, 2010

spotted amongst the 80,000 fans

Huge thanks to Mariposa for spotting Hyun Joong from the 80,000 fans who watched the game between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona.

Original source : k-worldpassion blog

Hyun Joong stands out amongst the men around him. So I guess Mariposa didn't find it difficult to spot one particular handsome young man amongst 80,000 crowd after all. ^_^

I'm sure Leader had a grand time watching his fave team Real Madrid despite losing to FC Barcelona 0-2.


Anonymous said...

OMG..! it's amazing. How did she do that??
Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

... he really love this sports.

Anonymous said...

Yes, leader stands out among men around him. That's why he's special!

V said...

omg that's a bit crazy! haha. talk about serious HAWK EYES! thanks for posting liezle. =]

sYa said...

haha..mariposa really hav sharp spot leader from all those ppl in the crowd..then again..leader is one god damn handsome guy..hehehhe

Lynne said...

Mariposa is simply AMAZING! Thanks for the photos. It actually did srike me if someone would spot him in the HUGE crowd to post some photos...hahaha. Double thumbs Mariposa.

Thanks liezle for all the updates!

Nora said...

wow, it's amazing how Mariposa was able to spot Leader among the thousands of fans in Bernebau...
Didn't know that Leader like Real...all along, I reckon that he was a Gunners fan since he wore their jersey in one of their Japanese shows...
Oohh, too bad he didn't like my Milan, hehhehe^^

kokoro said...

please vote for leader and ss501:
and if u can,please post this poll to another blog and fansite of leader and ss501