Tuesday, January 05, 2010

[vids] fuji tv -gourmet table

Found this post by Latigre on SS501 @ soompi and i'm shoving them here. Thanks Latigre!

It's the the shows in Tokyo that Leader recorded last Dec 26. It's in four parts.

I like Hyun Joong's hair and he definitely look handsome! I think he's yummier that what he cooked. =P

Much thanks to Exlley for the upload on YT.

Part 1 :: Part 2 :: Part 3 :: Part 4

Here are screencaps that I lifted from khj0606.



Jen said...

That girl being fed by HJL is sooo lucky!!!!
I'm so envious of her..boo me!

Kate said...

I like this new look of leader....
a pity the show with his part is so short and lol at his shocked expression.
Sharing with a pic of leader pouting: http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm266/wing725/SS501/SS_sharinglovess009-1.jpg
Credit to ss501fighting.wordpress.com

Anonymous said...

Lucky 100% that girl!!!!!
Leader looks very handsome.
There is someting about his aura
that says he is very happy.
Do you think that Leader is inlove?
Whoever is that girl she is lucky.

Anonymous said...

I agreed to the above anonymous too...maybe that gal is from Macau?? Haha that explains why he kept going back to Macau so many times within one year...and even countdown has to be spent there..ok I'm just only guessing don't bash me...kekeke...:P

Anonymous said...

Plus bringing his parents also.kekeke!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My...that really makes sense...oops dont bash me..but whoever she is..i hope she can bring happiness to Oppa

andydandy said...

OMG, he looks amazing. I miss his smile!