What does ROMEO has to do with Park Jung Min?
It has been more than a month now that we have been intrigued by the teasers that http://romeomidnight.com/ & http://romeomidnight.com/mobi/index.html have been releasing. I am so anxious to know what is it. Does it has anything to do with Jung Min's Japanese album? What is the meaning of all the numbers? Can anyone please share the meaning of the Japanese characters? If anyone knows, please share with us.
Latest teaser...
lifted from the post of 00lanse in Baidu
April teaser...
Courtesy of MinLovePJMFCtw
Here are screencaps from the latest teaser.

This one with no watermark. Thanks to whoever did this. Credit as labeled.

I'm not sure, I heard that maybe it's his Japanese FanClub name, but it maybe wrong too, maybe we should wait till official statement from PJM.
You mean he is Juliet not Romeo
@8:13PM... oh yeah, you could be right. it can also be the name of his fan club.
I think those numbers are the dates when each teaser is released.
1st teaser was released on 4.4(April 4),2nd teaser on 5.5(May 5)and this teaser, 3rd one,on 6.6(June 6)so I guess the next one will be on 7.7(July 7) and the final product(whatever it is) will be out on 8.8(August 8)
also here (http://romeomidnight.com) is a countdown,there`s seconds, minutes, hours, and that 2 i don`t know if it`s 2 days,2 weeks or 2 months
and here (http://romeomidnight.com/mobi/index.html) is another countdown, different from the first one
I`m also intrigued by this ROMEO,I don`t know if it`s a new album or for his new japanese fansite but I can`t wait for it to be out.
omg he looks so hot!!
love this concept..cant wait to find out more.
jungmin go!!
thanks as well 8:33PM. that also makes sense. hee, it's so obvious that i have figuring out clues, yah? ^_^ 19:19 could be 7:19PM then. anyway, i'll wait patiently.
Good that there things going on... this is unique. Lots of creativity, JM.
romeo midnight? this sounds more like a mystery than a romantic flick! wow really teased by this and so excited...
omg red eyes?? he looks more vampire than romeo! lol
From the Japanese and Korean text (http://www.twitlonger.com/show/hauta6) of the 5.5 teaser (may be different now?), it's about a "dark, unknown urge inside" and "scary eyes at night" and the last line is "I have killed my other self." Ooohh~
Yes, the 19:19 is 7:19 when the teaser opened and the countdown to next month's teaser started.
Ah, from 4.4 to 9.9?? I can't handle being teased for 5 months! I really hope 7.7 is a song teaser, 8.8 is the Japanese album release, and 9.9 is a Japanese concert. XO
Btw, thanks for the clearer unmarked photo! I'm getting luxurious, possibly vampiric, vibes~
hello tetsu_girl. thanks for sharing here the translation of the Japanese text.
hmm... if it's a new name for a fan club why is it so long to launch 9.9? and if it's for an album it's also quite a long preparation. geez... so intriguing.
can he do album when he still in lawsuit process?but i always wait for this album cause it jung min..my sexy charisma
this is just so thrilling!!!!! i cant wait!!! omgee!!!
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