Let me share here some airport fashion photos of his previous trips taken on two occasions.
I don't think I have shared clear photos of Hyun Joong when he left for Shanghai and Beijing on the 8th of June for fan meetings. I saw nicely taken set of photos of Hyun Joong from the post of 原名小贤四次元 in Baidu. Here are the photos which are from weibo.com/yoonhae.
Please DO NOT edit photos and kindly give proper credit when re-posting.
As everyone knows by now, Hyun Joong is back in Korea yesterday from Japan. I haven't seen any clear photos nor fancams as I read that he left Gimpo Airport in a rush. Anyway, I am shoving here two photos that I lifted from @baebb's tweets.
thanks to @willy_hj
credit as labeled

If you notice, Hyun Joong is wearing the same top and I believe the same pants when he left Korea on the 13th of June. The only difference is the cap he is wearing. Here are few photos when he left for Japan courtesy of cafe.naver.com/meetkhj. You may check my post when he left on the 13th of June HERE.

He still looks fine to me. I hope all the members are doing good in Korea, Japan, etc.
Hyunjoong-ssi is looking so darn-fine, especially with those sleeveless tops! Those biceps of his ~ woohoo! With that long-lean, buffed-up body of his, he looks ^^ can i kidnap him?!!
Hyun Joong looks handsome with any outfits.
He is stylish icon, always number 1 for me.
My only comment....'those arms'!!!!! Holy ----!!!!!
Angel face with muscle arms, how sexy and attractive.
Love him so much.
I've always loved his arms but know I LOVE, LOVE his arms. LOL
@ 8:05 PM - I'll help you kidnap him. LOL
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