I wasn't able to watch as TVAnts is not working on me anymore and I forgot that I can watch it over at Goreala. Anyway, I will just wait for the vid to be uploaded later.
Meantime, while we wait here are screencaps that iamsom tweeted a few minutes ago.

Adding more from the tweet of HYSmystyle.

Ah, love to see Young Saeng smiling like the screencaps above. You can't almost see his. ^^
Great. ^^ I overslept... I could have seen... T_T but well..
Great thing he is smiling and smiling. He's still very happy inside, it seems. ^_^ Whoho, Youngsaeng ^^, Whoho.
So cute!
I really could just stare at his face forever.
aigooo.. he so cute!!! cant wait to watch the upload version!
I am so happy that he seems to be enjoying the recording.
hes really cute!!!
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