I've heard many good response about Goong, here's one fan account that slimz1808 translated and send to me to share with us. Much thanks again slimz1808!
[Trans] 14 June Japanese Fan Account of Goong
from blog: blog.k-image.net/?eid=1096752
translated by: redcat111 校对 arigato555
posted on: www.kimkyujong.com.cn
lifted from baidu.com
photos came from blog
English translation by slimz1808 / liezle.blospot.com
Musical Gong finally starts!
Hi everyone~!!
Much awaited musical Goong started its first show on 11 June in Kyoto. Although have already watched a lot of shows...but still find it very much worthwhile!

I was there for the first show, it was really FULL house and response was GREAT.

On 12 June, there was autograph and handshake after the show

While waiting for the session to kick off, Kyu and XXX (pardon, I dont know her name, the female lead) were playing....on Kyu's hand...scribbling

[After Talk] was conducted after the14June show.
Started with Kyu

Q1: Today is already the 4th show, please share your after-thoughts
JM: omitted)
Q2: Kyu
Q3: Any interesting cast members?

Laughter outburst in the hall...
Li Hong Ki: Hi everyone... *cough cough*... sorry
Q4:LHK has been adding his Jap lines since the first show. Please tell us what is the "behind the scene" relationship between Prince Shin and his guard?
LHK: Oh ya, it is like this! (hugging Kyu

Q5: Been at Kyoto for a week but you were all busy with the performances, any impression formed on Kyoto?
LHK: We would go out despite the performances. Yesterday we were out as there was no performance. Went shopping and eating with a few others. There's a lot of nice food, very happy!
The other cast members came on stage and did self intro (omitted)

RUN: Actually today is Yunjun's turn on stage but he was injured during practice and hence got to rest. Appreciate the support from everyone, he will be back with a more splendid stage performance. Please look forward.
Yunjun: Apologies for making everyone worried. Will be performing from the 18th, please support.
KYU JONG : We have really worked hard and prepared much for this. Please watch our show. Everyone is suave and cute. Thank you for being here today. We have shows tomorrow, coming? We prepared the best performances everyday, hope everyone would be here and recommend to your friends.

Hi Liezle
So glad that there's a translation of the after show talk! I hv the clip but don't understand what they were talking about. Kyu was kyute during the session... funny :)
Thank you^^
Thanks to slimz for providing this. ^^ And again thanks too for letting us know how good Kyu Jong as Prince Shin from the vids that you share with us.
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