Saturday, July 02, 2011

[Media Pix] Hyun Joong's @ FC Men Soccer Game 07.02.11

FC Men had a game today against Miracle and there are photos posted on different portals. I am adding more photos from my post earlier as I've found quite a number of photos posted in DAUM.

Btw, FC Men won this game held at World Cup Stadium in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do.

Hyun Joong and JunSu


Anonymous said...

Eh? At the 3rd pic, is KHJL's arm being pulled by the other team's player? How dare he? Ya you! Don't play rough with our darling boy, please! And Hyun Joong-ah, please rest more for now cos you are looking rather worn-out again. Love you!

mySSam501 said...

That player in the 3rd pic will be a dead-meat in few days! hahaha! (jokes) He pulled leader's arm!!! >.<

Anonymous said...

Hey you sleeping refree that is a foul play. That man who pulled uri hyunjoong should be given the red F4 card..
Love to see these pictures.HJ looks mighty powerful and strong.

FCmen no.9 fighting!!!

Anonymous said...

with his busy schedule he still found the time to play football. hyun joong please take a rest........

Anonymous said...

hyunjoong ah, please rest more and take care of yourself more...i'm always worried what if you're hurt while playing soccer.

kj_neth05 said...

Good to see that despite his busy schedule he could still find time to play soccer. I understand the fact that his fans are worried about him that he might get too exhausted or might get injure. But I think because he loves soccer so much that he uses the game to relieve him of his stress i.e. from work