Saturday, July 02, 2011

Hyun Joong's Drawing

Loads of thank you Lafone for sending in my email this drawing fo Hyun Joong which was uploaded on KHJ's Japan Official Mobile site.

Hmm, wonder when Hyun Joong made this. ^^

Hyun Joong & Artmatic


Anonymous said...

Wow, drawing skill of Hyun joong is so good.
4D as always.
He has many talents.
Love the picture very much.

Anonymous said...

LOL at first glance I thought it said Break Clown ^^

Anonymous said...

Lol...even in the drawing, HJ is the good looking one. Look at how he drew the muscles of one of the dancers. He's made the muscles look really BIG. Hahaha...

Anonymous said...

super cute!!!!!love hyun joong......