I have been wanting to do another guessing game but could only managed tofind a new one to post. Hmm, I wonder if you guys can guess whose pair of legs is being hugged tightly by this pair of pants.
If I can get enough right answer, I will post a lot of photos of him later. ^^
C'mon take a guess. ^_^
jungmin :))
Me too!
YS sexy leg I guess^ ^
Iam 100% sure those are rankachan's, JM's manager!!! What's my prize Liezle? kekeke!!!!
Youngsaengie ^^
me too he's Ranka chan Jungmin manager ^^
I guess that is Ys's legs!!!~^^
ranka jjang ^^
YS!! :))
This short leg aand a liitle bigger than others=>Young Saeng of course=))
Btw I could see a big hips as well=))
haha good one, liezle! XD
Youngsaengie <3
The one & only Ranka-chan! ^^
not long and slim enough to be jung min's =x
i say it's young saeng's!
Young Saeng!!
Ranka Chan!
Ranka! JM's kawaii manager... XD
Young Saeng!!
Tc here
jung min of course!
Young Saeng's... =D
Young Saeng oppa's....? @@ looks like his legs keke
Young Saeng's ... =D
Only Ranka chan (KWY~!) Jungmin manager ~^^*
It's young saeng's legs! aha
YoungSaeng's legs. ^^ Pretty sure. ^^
short, sturdy, Ys usually stands like this and yup, his toosh... ooh yeah, baby, YS toosh kekekeke
aren't those pair of legs look..errr...mysterious?!?.... (A)
eh, the legs aren't sexy enough to be jungmin's hehe.
i think its either youngsaeng or kyujong's.
YOUNG SAENG!! I'm pretty sure :)))) hehehehhe
young saeng oppa!!!
YOUNG SAENG LEGS definetely! ^^
uhuu~ couldn't forget that tight jeans ^^
definitely Ranka-san~! :D
It's our Sudal, surely! keh keh keh...
Young Saeng's....
I think its Jungmin's manager~Ranka Chan too. Keke. :)
YoungSaengie ^^
who is Ranka Chan? can someone show me his pix.. thanks.. :) but i guess this belongs to YS.. :D
i think....no2...im very sure,it must be young saeng^^
my dimples smile hubby, HEO YOUNG SAENG <3 :D
it's jungmin,of course! :P:))
youngsaeng :)
youngsaeng! hehe <3
Young saeng legs^^ too tight with his pants
Saengie! 501% It's Young Saeng oppa's legs.
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