Really so grateful to happiebb (@baebb) of LoveKimHyunJoong detailed live updated from Sentosa where the TheFaceShop event of Hyun Joong today happened. I am still looking for good quality photos and vids but I guess most of the fans are still having fan recalling their experience at the event. I will certainly share hotos later. Meanwhile, let me re-post here happiebb's tweets. Thanks again!
- Ken onstage. told admission pass holders to chk inside goodie bags. If therez red stamp on the inside of carrier, you get an autograph pass.
- now doing Q&A onstage and fans who answer ans correctly get autograph passes as well ^^
- 1.when dis TFS come to SG? 2.name of latest album? 3.name 2 songs from breakdown. 4.name of character he played in PK.
- 5.past 3 brand ambassadors 6.TFS corporate color? 7.hw many TFS shops in SG. a fanboy juz won...! now asking HJ's bday. 8 down, 7 > to go ^^
- interpreter arrived at venue, had her bag checked abt 5 mins ago. mr & mrs TFS also arrived earlier...HJ should be here already.
- now giving away 8 photo passes ^^
- 1st qn: HJ was on wgm, what couple are they also known as...? 2nd qn: what bb cream crossed 1m sales? 3rd qn: what line was juz launched?
- ... and more question... to win photo passes ^^
- venue from afar ^^ instagr.am/p/KqYlr/

- all passes given out. ken got fans to say 'TFS Kansan hamnida'... and now welcoming HJ ^^
- Ken asking fans to say TheFaceShop Kansan hamnida... soon... NOW!
- he's out. white tee, forest green vest ^^ and TFS gave him the USS Best Actor Trophy, keke!
- he's coming back for concert next year ^^ instagr.am/p/Kqazh/

- phototaking in group of 5... fans given explicit instruction not to touch him. it's v v v v hot!!!!!
- finished photo taking, now picking 3 pressies from fans' to open onstage ^^
- all phototaking grps shook hands with HJ, except first grp...
- 3 pressies: comics, Best Lover trophy, & a handmade letter/msg thingy ^^
- now charity auction... each show of hand is $50... now $1000.
- HJ interupted auction to remind all to bid within one's means. no need to force-force.. sold...! $2000 ^^
- HJ interrupted auction to say CD reali wrth keeping... aigoo, HJ said he recognized 1 fan as some1 who had bidded (unsuccessfully) last Dec!the $2000 was for autographed life-sized standee. now 2nd item was brought from Korea. ltd edtn Break Down CD/DVD.
- now bidding is $3500... Ken asked if HJ wanted to say anything. HJ said he hopes that lady he recognized could win it this time ^^
- HJ was already shaking his head in disbelief at $2k (CD for $2k..?) & yup yup the fan he recognized won the auction (I thk itz some1 I knw!)
- took pics with the two fans who had successfully bided for the standee and album.
- think I forgot to say the album went for $3,500/-
- now signing...
- sneak! instagr.am/p/Kqgo7/

- sneak again! instagr.am/p/Kqg69/

- TFS family photo... HJ with kid... kid refused to leave stage with parents ^o^
- btw HJ's siggy didnt change... it's still SS501 KHJ ^^
Here is a fancam from TheAlienPrince. Thanks!
"TFS family photo... HJ with kid... kid refused to leave stage with parents ^o^"
ohhh TFS CEO's little girl from last year?
I can't wait for more fancams ><
here's the fancam of KHJ with the boy.
credit: honeyfishco@youtube
Thanks @1:23 for the link above. The li'l boy is cute.
The little boy was sitting on Hyun Joong's lap....that the most place I want to be!
thanks @1:23
that fancam is so great.
love the little cute boy. love leader ......
TFS gave him the USS Best Singer Trophy, not Best Actor. Though he mentioned Best Actor in the Press Conference earlier on, they couldn't find the Best Actor Trophy so got the Best Singer Trophy instead.
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