Photos will be posted according the their performance, so sharing with you Kyu Jong first when he performed 'Yesterday'.

Next set is Hyun Joong's photos when he performed 'Lucky Guy'.

This is my nook. A place where I want to share my hankering for Bae Yong Joon, my passion for SS501 [Kim Hyun Joong, Heo Young Saeng, Park Jung Min, Kim Kyu Jong, Kim Hyung Joon] and my wanting to know more about many other Korean artists. ^^
Love Hyun Joong's smiles as he dances. Smooth and great moves. Always the best!
Hyun Joong is the best solo artist now.
Happy to watch him on the stage.
ThanKYU slimz1808 for the “snippets from Bestfriend FM4U”.
In the show, Kyu Jong was asked if anything funny happened on stage. Kyu Jong said that when he “tugs at his suspenders too hard during the dance, the back of his pants would keep coming up”…
Before continuing…
Must admit that over the last 24 hours, my mind has been in the “so called gutter” as evidenced by some of my comments. Also need to admit that when I spot something I like, I’m not afraid to “scan the goods”. Therefore I do wish to apologize in advance for my comments. Some of you may wish to “cover your eyes” as I continue….
When there’s a “back” there’s a “front”. Although I would have “loved” to have seen the “back” that was not to be in. Instead, there are wonderful views of the “front”. Goodness knows why (maybe because I had just read the translation of the interview) but I started to “scan the goods”. Starting from the top and working down… Handsome face, ohhh that chest, those absolutely mile long legs……
Okie Dokie….
Hmm... Those suspenders not only pull the “back up” but they also pull the “front up”, causing a specific part of the front to be, how should I state it… highlighted?
Yes, did "scan" Hyun Joong but his was covered... LOL
Bad, Bad Noona…..
OMG I'm just like etet ><
My fingers are almost gonna have cramps from mass saving those pics... Aish what have he done to us...
With Hyun Joong, I always have to bring out the superlatives. Bigger and better in every department!
Yikes what did I say?
Ottokeeee,,i notice that certain part too!! >___<
Kyuu don't tug the suspenders too hard,,i keep glancing thereee!!! >o<
Oh look at Kyu. He looks amazing. Definitely shone the brightest on stage. Will miss him
With Hyun Joong it's all about the fun. He is Fun personified with the big personality, the smiles, the humour. Feel good factor. He's got Heat Factor. Lol....
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