A set of wonderful snapshots of Kyu Jong taken on the same day was sharedon SS601.com by Rosemary. I just love how Rosemary aimed her lens at Kyu Jong and captured these wonderful photos of Kyu Jong sans the make-up. I am so loving it.

Here's a video as well on the same day after Kyu Jong's schedule on MTV and on his was to a radio station for another guesting. Thanks to Rosemary1202hy for sharing and uploading the video on YouTube.
wow spectacular these pics!!!!
He looks extremely gorgeous. *-*
Kyu shouldn't doubt he's a attractive guy.
Solo is special good for Kyu Jong.
He is more attractive, confidently.
Go go
Great photos...refreshing looks of kyujongie.Drooling on them now...hehehe Thanks for sharing :D
Agree 100%. THESE pictures are absolutely fascinating. He looks gorgeous!
Oh how lucky u are!!!! ^_^
Agree 200%. Nowaday, Kyu looks very charisma. We're all mesmerized by his powerful magnetic field.
If only I wake up seeing this face everyday... XD
Kyu looks like nigahiga .. Lol.. Good looks. It's awesome that kyu's trying something different.. He looks confident and is ready to take on new things.. Good luck kyu. Though am a henecian.. Kyu did amaze me with his comeback and his new look. Way to go kyu. The gentle eternal center..
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