[Trans] 10.17.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Please re-post with full credit.
2011-10-17 @ 12:14 AM
ambdxtss @HyungJun87 What is it kid, tell me what is bothering you
2011-10-17 @ 10:37 AM
JUNUSofficial Good Morning Everyone~ It is Monday! Have a great start for a new week~ Giving you one scene from Wide as a gift to signify Hwaiting~ What is he looking at? Have a nice week^^ yfrog.com/nxyxmfej

2011-10-17 @ 10:38 AM
JUNUSofficial Good Morning Everyone‾ 月曜日です! 新しい一週よく始めるんです‾ ファイティングしなさいという意味で Wideの一場面贈り物で差し上げます‾ 何を見ていましょうか? Have a nice week^^ yfrog.com/ob8mdsj
2011-10-17 @ 7:21 PM
JUNUSofficial HyungJun left a short letter for everyone who came to support WIDE~! Go to official homepage (hyungjun.co.kr) gallery page to check now~ Ddiyong!!!! yfrog.com/kgg2guej

[Trans] 10.18.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Please re-post with full credit.
2011-11-18 @ 5:37 AM
seanalexander23 Photo: Kim Hyun Joong Mini Album Vol. 2 - Lucky OUT NOW! Everyone should check out a song I co-wrote with... tumblr.com/Zdzo_xAoLYae
2011-11-18 @ 8:16 AM
goodradio1035 아 이돌그룹 SS501로 데뷔해 뮤지컬,드라마,가요계를 장악한 이분들!최근 각자 솔로앨범을 발표하면서 화제가 되고있는 꽃남 두 분! 김현중님,김규종님과 함께방가, 방가!함께할게요. 소녀팬분들 그리고 누나팬분들! 오후4시 103.5라조타 놓치지마세요~
2011-11-18 @ 9:32 AM
HyungJun Sick
2011-11-18 @ 9:43 AM
unfinished12 @HyungJun87 Where?!
2011-11-18 @ 11:28 AM
b2ment [Kim KyuJong] Recording time for today, 18th, MTV The SHOW, has been changed to 1pm. For those who are attending, please take note. The recording time has been changed to 1pm.
2011-11-18 @ 11:47 AM
lik0918 @HyungJun87 I'm sick too TT-TT
2011-11-18 @ 1:29 PM
MTVKorea Kim KyuJong pre-recording~~ Wow!! Good-looking!!! yfrog.com/h8k6lpnj

2011-11-18 @ 1:38 PM
MTVKorea Exclaiming here and there~~^^ Kim KyuJong is good-looking heeheehee His slight shyness makes him even more attractive~~

2011-11-18 @ 3:10 PM
MTVKorea KyuJong changed and came back keke yfrog.com/nte7eslj

2011-11-18 @ 4:30 PM
goodradio1035 The studio is noisy now because of this person~ Kim HyunJoong, waiting outside! Here is one tiny little proof shot ^^

2011-11-18 @ 5:32 PM
anney_love Must have been a national hero in my past life W Kim HyunJoong & Kim KyuJong twitpic.com/72377z

2011-11-18 @ 6:27 PM
babyj616 @HyungJun87 Jjunaaang~~Don't fall sick....TT Quickly take some medicine, have a good rest^^
2011-11-18 @ 6:27 PM
JUNUSofficial Came to Song Zio's office to check the clothes to be worn during Seoul Fashion Week fashion show on 21st. It seems there are special clothes prepared for me!!!! yfrog.com/18cyseoj

[Trans] 10.19.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Please re-post with full credit.
2011-10-19 @ 12:48 AM
2kjdreamIt seems like yesterday that we filmed the music video..^^ Time flies!! Pretties !! Thank you thank you thanks thanks!!x100000... I'm so happy and delighted these days!! Really enjoying heehee !! Sleep tight~~ Good night yfrog.com/kg8kwfkj

2011-10-19 @ 12:52 AM
movejjun @2kjdream handsome guy~~
2011-10-19 @ 1:09 AM
2kjdream ma broz!!! These are the kind brothers whom I talked about during the radio show !! My reliable brothers!! Yeaap!! ~ Yeah~~ yfrog.com/nxu2jraj

2011-10-19 @ 1:11 AM
2kjdream Aigoo!! Our idol TaeSeong isn't there in the music video.. Sorry.... TT !! Let's quickly take a piccc!!!!!!
2011-10-19 @ 1:20 AM
takejo2020 @2kjdream Yeahhh~
2011-10-19 @ 2:30 AM
Bong_Actress @2kjdream I watched Gag concert heehee surprised~keke Seems like you really have the destiny to avoid eating what you don't eat^_~ Be it in Goong or in Gag concert keke Prince Kyu, please be careful of catching flu and FIRE~!! Aja aja!!!
2011-10-19 @ 9:20 PM
mystyle1103 Fans delivered meals and snacks to the practice room today~ Thank you~ I ate them deliciously!! Actors also ate them well~^^ Sorry I didn't take a proof shot~ TT TT
2011-10-19 @ 9:23 PM
musicalactorKSH All thanks to YoungSaeng, we ate a delicious dinner ke Thank you!~^^ twitpic.com/72lx8q

2011-10-19 @ 9:40 PM
Osh_yoru @mystyle1103 Hyung, I ate them well~
2011-10-19 @ 9:41 PM
mystyle1103 Nyahaha~ SangHyun hyung uploaded the proof shot for me!!!keke RT @musicalactorKSH: All thanks to YoungSaeng, we ate a delicious dinner ke Thank you!~^^ twitpic.com/72lx8q
2011-10-19 @ 9:42 PM
mystyle1103 @Osh_yoru Aigoo~ ate it well~ that's great!!keke
2011-10-19 @ 9:43 PM
musicalactorKSH @mystyle1103 It's hyung kekeke Maybe there is someone else who will upload the proof shot soon again~ You've worked hard, see you tomorrow!~^^
2011-10-19 @ 10:02 PM
poimin73 I also ate them well!!!“@mystyle1103: Nyahaha~ SangHyun hyung uploaded the proof shot for me!!!keke RT @musicalactorKSH: All thanks to YoungSaeng, we ate a delicious dinner ke Thank you!~^^ twitpic.com/72lx8q”
2011-10-19 @ 10:29 PM
leejeehoon79 @poimin73 @mystyle1103 @musicalactorKSH I I didnt get to eat it T T YoungSaeng-ah, you left some for me right?keke
2011-10-19 @ 10:36 PM
musicalactorKSH @leejeehoon79 You knew it right...? It the end... if there is no us!! Off with it!!!kekeke @poimin73 @mystyle1103
[Trans] 10.20.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Please re-post with full credit.
2011-10-20 @ 12:18 AM
mysyle1103 @leejeehoon79 Eegeung~keke If I keep (those food) for you, it'll turn bad~~keke
2011-10-20 @ 3:26 AM
HyungJun87 @onessun Sincerely wishing you a happy birthday! ^^
2011-10-20 @ 3:31 AM
onessun @HyungJun87 HyungJun man!! Thank you~~~heehee Yah, but why don't you come to play!?????!!!!!?
2011-10-20 @ 11:00 AM
portos724 @mystyle1103 I also ate them very~~ well!!!
2011-10-20 @ 11:40 AM
HyungJun87 My dearest ahwoo Kibum's Japan musical's first performance. I am very looking forward to it and excited about it. I am not worried because you are always doing well! Just proudly show it off. You have reliable brother beside you^^ Allen Hwaiting! Please also support him everyone! Show him all your sincerity.
2011-10-20 @ 10:05 PM
Steven_Lee_ Saw the video in Santorini and tweet ^^ HyunJoong, Artmatic, Keyeast staffs, all of you have worked hard! Watch M-Countdown TV HJ's comeback performance here if u missed it!I youtu.be/EVVEoZeY83U
[Trans] 10.21.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Please re-post with full credit.
2011-10-21 @ 12:12 AM
Steven_Lee_ Okay... so KHJ "LUCKY" album is now on Billboard World Chart #5... wait... but why is he in world category?? lol http://t.co/fPG26Nv1
2011-10-21 @ 12:21 AM
seanalexander23 @Steven_Lee_ yayy how'd the album do on the s. Korea charts?
2011-10-21 @ 2:43 AM
90KKB @HyungJun87 I am waiting in Japan. Kim HyungJun's fan Allen Dream
2011-10-21 @ 1:28 PM
seanalexander23 KHJ performing "Do You Like That" on TV... I co-write it with Drew and Steven http://t.co/LlJbgrLU
2011-10-21 @ 2:42 PM
mystyle1103 RT @Steven_Lee_: Saw the video in Santorini and tweet ^^ HyunJoong, Artmatic, Keyeast staffs, all of you have worked hard! Watch M-Countdown TV HJ's comeback performance here if u missed it!I http://t.co/zbWBgj6l
2011-10-21 @ 2:58 PM
HyungJun87 Today is Song Zio's runway! It's been a long time ^^
2011-10-21 @ 5:34 PM
b2ment [Heo YoungSaeng] Recruitment of members for official fan club Y.E.S! It is earlier than expected, you may join from 6pm today through young-saeng.com. We hope for your much attention on the recruitment of official fan club Y.E.S.
2011-10-21 @ 7:00 PM
JUNUSofficial Make up PIC : Hyung Jun in SONGZIO show @SEOUL FASHION WEEK yfrog.com/j2276sfj

2011-10-21 @ 7:14 PM
JUNUSofficial Dress up PIC : Hyung Jun in SONGZIO show with Mr.Song @SEOUL FASHION WEEK yfrog.com/oedhmfj

2011-10-21 @ 7:17 PM
JUNUSofficial Now Start!!!!! : Hyung Jun in SONGZIO show @SEOUL FASHION WEEK yfrog.com/h6cjeqoj

2011-10-21 @ 7:23 PM
JUNUSofficial 2nd Dress up. so sexy~~~~~ : Hyung Jun in SONGZIO show @SEOUL FASHION WEEK yfrog.com/g017ncwj

2011-10-21 @ 8:46 PM
HyungJun87 Thank you to all of you who came to Song Zio's fashion show today. It was enjoyable^^
2011-10-21 @ 9:18 PM
zerotic0124 Has been 2 years since I went to KBS Music Bank..went..HyunJoong was 1st place!!! Congrats congrats~~So we went to eat dinner and he followed us to eat..I am not eating not eating TT TT
2011-10-21 @ 10:16 PM
Steven_Lee_ Added another NO.1 Single in Korea today! smile.gif "LUCKY GUY" is ranked KBS MUSIC BANK KOREAN CHART #1!! Thank you all! And congrats 2 HJ again!
2011-10-21 @ 10:38 PM
JUNGYEON1023 At the backstage of the fashion show, I look at HyungJun and looked around.. I thought I was a hobbit..and right beside me is..Dok..GoJin..!? His charisma is none of words can describe..just inside.. Ding Dong~! like that.. yfrog.com/oc43wgj yfrog.com/kg21nhbj

[Trans] 10.22.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Please re-post with full credit.
2011-10-22 @ 1:07 AM
philshin76 Thank you to all the fans with sincerely!!
2011-10-22 @ 1:13 AM
JUNGYEON1023 Be it in the van.. or at home, all the decorative stuffs..they're so cute, can you give me one to coax me.. Besides Gundam, HyungJun collected these as his new hobby and won't give me..TT TT Just wait and see, they will disappear one by one when you're sleeping!! yfrog.com/nvcjobej

2011-10-22 @ 4:45 AM
HyungJun87 Allen, just wait awhile more. I'm going to see you now^^
2011-10-22 @ 11:53 AM
takejo2020 KyuJong at Music Core pic.twitter.com/utfkJGcd

2011-10-22 @ 1:08 PM
takejo2020 Kim KyuJong yesterday~ pic.twitter.com/QYV3q9dD

2011-10-22 @ 3:47 PM
JJangNew kekekekekekekekeke KyuJong hyung, please give me an autograph http://t.co/EALsyxPC
2011-10-22 @ 4:25 PM
mystyle1103 @sonya3543 I followed you~~~~~~~keke Please follow me back~~~~~~~keke
2011-10-22 @ 5:17 PM
STRONG_T @2kjdream Hyung, thank you for the signed CD today!!^^
2011-10-22 @ 6:28 PM
2kjdream @STRONG_T Don't mention it^^ I'm thankful to you every time we went on the stage!! Yeaa~ Hwaiting for tomorrow too~~^^
2011-10-22 @ 7:29 PM
2kjdream @JJangNew Wow..!! Even though I like it but Jjangnew is too much of a rival!! hee I remembered this moment heehee!!
2011-10-22 @ 7:03 PM
JJangNew @2kjdream kekekeke Kkiyaoh I am already the biggest fan of hyung~~~
2011-10-22 @ 7:47 PM
musical717 @mystyle1103 Aht~ YoungSaeng~~^^ I followed you back~~ Thank you!! It's weekend, are you going to rest?? There are too much dust in the IlSan practice room TToTT Be careful not to catch a flu~~
2011-10-22 @ 8:20 PM
mystyle1103 @musical717 keke Followed you back~ I caught a cold but have almost fully recovered now~ It's weekend..I am resting!!ke
2011-10-22 @ 8:26 PM
musical717 @mystyle1103 It's great that you're almost recovering fully from the flu~^-^ Are you coming for the practice on Monday??
2011-10-22 @ 9:11 PM
STRONG_T @2kjdream 감사합니당ㅋ 내일 뵈요!!!
2011-10-22 @ 8:33 PM
mystyle1103 @musical717 Yes~ going!!keke
2011-10-22 @ 9:36 PM
musical717 @mystyle1103 Kihit~ Have a good rest and see you on Monday
[Trans] 10.23.11 S/Tweet Treats
Korean to English Translation by xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Please re-post with full credit.
2011-10-23 @ 12:23 AM
wndks1116 mystyle1103 I became embarassed because hyung make fun of me continuously kekeke Thanks hyung!
2011-10-23 @ 9:56 AM
anpan0512 SS501 Hyung Jun & Allen at pic.twitter.com/fl9UgKqF

2011-10-23 @ 4:40 PM
STRONG_T With KyuJong hyung at Inki Gayo!! twitpic.com/74j35g

2011-10-23 @ 4:43 PM
Kim Hyung Jun watched the Musical kizuna at 13:00 on October 23 anpan0512
2011-10-23 @ 5:24 PM
3dcolorAR heeheeheeheehee with Kim KyuJong_ took the photo since I told Dubu oppa keke He's good looking. Face is so small keke What should I do!! ke yfrog.com/nyv11ugj

2011-10-23 @ 7:04 PM
mystyle1104 Oh~~ 501st tweet!!keke tweeted so many tweets~~keke
2011-10-23 @ 7:19 PM
HyungJun87 An enjoyable 2days1night, watched my brother Allen Kim's musical! Now I'm going back and must get back on my busy schedules. It's a beautiful night~ Hwaiting to the very end!!
2011-10-23 @ 9:26 PM
movejjun Schedule ends!! Babeque party~~ pic.twitter.com/giy0b2hn

2011-10-23 @ 10:03 PM
jjjjjin2yo @movejjun Looks delicious TT TT TT TT TT TT
2011-10-23 @ 10:04 PM
movejjun @jjjjjin2yo Came with KyuJong and the rest ke
Love Steven Lee's and Sean Alexander's tweets! Oh, HYS's too! So supportive of KHJL... Btw, who's zerotic0124?
@9:47 You read my mind. :) I'm so glad to see the show of support for him. Hope they will continue to support him in the future.
thank you thank you, xiaochu xiaochu! ^o^
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